Kyler’s Classic Movie Review- The Lion King

Who doesn’t love animation? Odds are that most people enjoy it, and I do, too. This is why I figured it was time to look at our first animated movie, and what better than one of Disney’s old favorite animations, the original Lion King? It will also be our first musical, which makes it even more fun.
Starting with the music, I believe the songs in this movie are the main reason it’s so iconic. Every song is fantastic. From the second the movie starts with Circle of Life, you know you’re in for an absolute treat. Most of the time, I rewatch these older Disney musicals, and I skip at least one song, but I can’t say that about Lion King. Every song catches your attention and has a unique feel, but none feel out of place or like they don’t belong. They’re almost infectious, and they are some of the only songs I can’t help but want to sing along with. It’s not just the songs either; even the background tracks are incredible, each adding so much to the scenes they’re used in. My favorite example is when Simba struggles with the idea of returning to the Pridelands and calls out to his father; the background track makes the scene so much more emotional.
And this is all only further aided by the incredible animation they’re put alongside. It’s hard to believe this movie was made with cel animation. Lion King has some of the most breathtaking animation Disney has ever produced. Every scene is packed with so much attention to detail and color. The characters’ movements are fluid, especially when considering the animation method. You can feel the work put into every scene. Some personal standouts for me are the scenes in the jungle during the second half of the movie, which are some of the most colorful and detailed in the whole film, and the nighttime scenes, which all have a serene and peaceful feel. It’s hard to describe the animation as anything more than just incredible.
The last thing I want to talk about is the story; honestly, it doesn’t get more iconic than this one. It is a classic and perfectly executed hero, starting with young Simba and his aspirations to be king, with no idea what that means. It’s pretty clear throughout the start of the movie that Simba didn’t even realize Mufasa would have to die for him to be king. Then we have what still stands as one of the most heartbreaking scenes in any movie: Mufasa’s death. I still find myself tearing up when Simba finds him. The movie then perfectly executes Simba’s reluctance to return and set things right, especially since he doesn’t know the truth about his father’s death. The animation and facial expressions perfectly capture Simba’s internal struggles, guilt, and responsibility.
This movie has one of the most perfect villains in any Disney movie. Scar manages to be a physical and mental threat, with the only person able to out-muscle him, Mufasa, who fails to outsmart him. Even Simba only matches him in terms of strength by the finale. Every scene with Scar makes you feel uneasy; you get the feeling that he’s always scheming and planning. And it makes Simba’s return and defeat of Scar all the more satisfying, especially as Scar is done in by his one actual flaw, his ego. He was so confident he couldn’t be beaten that he bragged about killing Mufasa to Simba. Once his plan fell apart, he attempted to throw his only allies before the bus, further cementing his downfall.
Disney perfected their classic movie elements with The Lion King, making a near-flawless movie that would prove to be a timeless gem.