March 9, 2025

Inter-Club Council Club Rush tonight

This archived article was written by: Rebecca Coster

Three students head the Inter-Club Council this year. Rebecca Coster is vice president, Mare Dayton is ICC recruitment chair and Jordan Fox is ICC publicity chair. Coster’s title is a long title for, “In charge of campus clubs”. She has had a lot of experience in leadership. She is 19 and from Tooele, Utah. Coster’s hobbies are fishing, camping, sports, snowboarding, bowling, game nights, pajama parties, and she loves meeting new people. So If you ever get bored, which you shouldn’t at CEU or need someone to talk to, go talk to her! She is majoring in special education with a minor in business.
Dayton is the Inter- Club Council recruitment chair. Dayton is 19 and from Layton, Utah. She went to Northridge High School. She enjoys singing, dancing, and dashingly handsome, single men. She has a brother and two dogs, and is a business finance major.
Fox is the inter-club council publicity chair. Jordan is from Alpine, Utah. She attended Lone Peak High School. Fox played varsity fast pitch softball four years in high school. She loves sports, outdoors, reading and scrapbooking. Fox is a volleyball player for CEU. She wants to be a radiologist.
I.C.C. is excited to be working with everyone and all of the clubs this year. Some of the clubs offered at CEU are the Ambassadors, Amateur Radio, Bible Club, Break Away, Business Club, Carnivore Club, Cheer Squad, College Democrats, College Republicans, Dance, Debate, Eagle Dancers, Elmo Club, I.M.A., I.W.A, Kids at Heart, Law and Order Society, LDSSA, Newman Center, Nursing Club, Outdoor Association, Poetry, Radio Club (KCEU), Rodeo Club, Saving Grace, Scream Team, Snappy Scrappers, Men and Women’s Soccer Club, Softball Club, Snowboard Club, SUN Center, Swing Club, Tennis Club, VICA Automotive, VICA Cosmetology, VICA Welding and Men’s Volleyball.
A few new clubs joined ICC including Club 209, T.E.A.M., Lego Club, Archery Club, Destroy the Bubble, Stratus Club, Bottie of Soul Sisters (BOSS), Guitar Club, Single and loving it and any other new club that people would like to start. “We are also looking for club presidents. If you are interested, get in contact with us.
We are going to have a great year and hopefully people will want to be involved with clubs. On Thursday the 28th at 8 p.m. in the new ballroom we are having our annual Club Rush. We will have a represenative for all of the clubs at the Club Rush! You can go sign up for clubs and sign up to be on an ASCEU community. Come and eat ice cream, sign shirts and meet new people. Come get involved, it will change your college experience … if you don’t it is your fault.
We hope to see you there. If you have any questions about getting involved with clubs, starting a club or joining a club call 613-5404 or come see us in the ASCEU Leadership office. Remember Club Rush tonight!” Coster said.