February 23, 2025

Martineau garners national award


College of Eastern Utah’s automotive instructor scored the highest out of his class at the Veejer Enterprises summer instructor’s automotive and diesel troubleshooting training workshop held in Garland, Texas.
Stan Martineau attended the 40-hour workshop titled “The Art of Teaching Automotive and Truck Electrical/Electronics Troubleshooting.” Geared for teachers, the workshop taught troubleshooting training procedures and practices and how to relate them to automotive and diesel technology students.
The workshop covered classroom lecture, demonstration and hands-on application of troubleshooting skills under an instructor’s supervision. “He is thoroughly qualified to teach automotive and diesel technology students how to troubleshoot vehicle electrical /electronic circuits in a systematic fashion so students can develop troubleshooting skills,” Vince Fischelli of Veejer Enterprises wrote.
Another accolade in Martineau’s automotive background is his recent inclusion with I-CAR, as the state-certified instructor. According to Martineau, his affiliation with I-CAR would list him as a specialist in electrical, brake systems, alignment and restraint systems. His classes will be designed for technicians to pass the national certification requirements. He hopes to offer the classes as non-credit through CEU.
He quips that as the state instructor, he represents one of the smaller community colleges and that his affiliation would strengthen CEU’s position as a quality automotive program in the state.