Say hello to the intramural sports guru

This archived article was written by: Josh Luke
A Price native will head CEU’s intramurals program this year, following the same sports that were offered last year. Twenty one year old, Ryan Pinedo will direct the intramurals program this year. He said, “We are just going to use the same sports and programs that she had good success with last year.
With Misty Park and baseball coach Eric Madsen leaving this year, Pinedo and Skyler King are moving in to take over where they left off.
Pinedo, who returned from a mission in Zimbabwe last March, said, “It was a great experience that I will never forget.” He added that he loves sports and there is no way he could just sit in an office and do nothing; he had to be outside doing something. His favorite sports include golf and baseball which he has done his whole life. He also wrestled his senior year in high school. “When I heard that the intramural program was looking for someone, I knew I had to do it.”
The volleyball intramurals bash was last week with the games starting this week. He said that they were looking to have at least eight teams, hopefully more. They were hoping for at least eight teams in every other sport that include flag football, racquetball and three on three basketball this semester. Next semester they will have five-on-five basketball, soccer and softball.
“Soccer is what we hope to put the most emphasis on because, we are trying to start a soccer club. Next spring there will be teams from Utah and some other states starting a soccer league,” Pinedo said. “We tore out the goal posts on the old football field and bought two new goals in preparation for soccer.”
He said that there is a new website people can visit and state their opinions. He said that they needed suggestions to make the program work. The website address is [email protected]. The reason for this he said is that they need input on what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong; and if they are doing something wrong or something that people don’t like they can change what they are doing.
The most important thing was that they need people to come and support the program so it will work and everyone can have fun, he said.