October 22, 2024

Enjoying life and having fun, especially in a small town

This archived article was written by: Austin Palmer

After making the decision to attend CEU, many students may begin to wish they had gone to another college campus where there is more to do. Even many natives of Carbon County are heard complaining that there is nothing to do and they can’t wait to leave the area and move on. Whether or not you find yourself constantly bored is up to you.
There is much more to do than most people realize and those who can’t find anything to do, aren’t creative. This is one of the best times of the year to enjoy being outside. It isn’t so hot that a person can’t stand to be outside and it isn’t cold enough to require a coat and gloves. Take advantage of the good weather while it is here.
Too many times we find ourselves sitting in front of the television watching some lame reality show that brings no enjoyment or satisfaction instead of engaging in activities that will make us happier, healthier individuals. When you have a couple of hours free and don’t have to worry about classes, work, or studying, grab a group of friends and do something that is worthwhile.
If you know someone who has four-wheelers, get them to take you for a ride up in the hills or if you’re staying in town for the weekend, go up in the mountains for a couple days to camp and hike. Many people enjoy fishing and if that’s the case, numerous lakes and streams are within 45 minutes of Price. While you’re out, go for a hike and just enjoy being outside and not having to worry about what’s happening in school or at home. Relax!
Even as the weather cools down and eventually gets cold, there are still activities to enjoy. Build a fire and roast marshmallows and make smores. Fix a tinfoil dinner. Get off you’re butt and just do something! If there is snow in the valley go snowmobiling or snowboarding or just find an awesome place to get your car stuck for a couple hours. Within 15 minutes of Price there are awesome places to go rock-climbing, repelling and golfing. There are tons of things to do if you are willing to try new things and step outside your comfort zone.
These are just a few of the activities that are readily available to those who live in the area. They are cheap and fit into anyone’s budget. Buy a camera and take a ton of pictures to help yourself remember what it was like going to college and living in Carbon County. Live your life so you can look back and have some memories and not regret wasting a single minute of your time.