March 11, 2025

Gallery East

Gallery East’s abstract urban art show “Transform, Notate, Accumulate” finished its first week with a highly attended Gallery Talk and Open House on Friday, Feb. 2.
According to Gallery East Director, Brent Haddock, the opening festivities were “a smashing success.”
Approximately 70 people comprised of community members and college faculty, staff and students were present for the Gallery Talk – a dialogue between the artists and discussion with attendees.
The Open House which took place Friday evening had an attendance of approximately 100 people.

This archived article was written by: R. Jensen

Gallery East’s abstract urban art show “Transform, Notate, Accumulate” finished its first week with a highly attended Gallery Talk and Open House on Friday, Feb. 2.
According to Gallery East Director, Brent Haddock, the opening festivities were “a smashing success.”
Approximately 70 people comprised of community members and college faculty, staff and students were present for the Gallery Talk – a dialogue between the artists and discussion with attendees.
The Open House which took place Friday evening had an attendance of approximately 100 people.
Haddock noted that approximately 15 people from Salt Lake City attended the Gallery Talk and Open House.
The featured artists, Jean Arnold, John Erickson and Linda Peer were impressed with the attendance and interest exhibited by the local community.”We’re thrilled to be here and glad to have so many of you come,” stated Arnold during the Gallery Talk.
The general sentiment of attendees was favorable; most enjoyed and identified with the exhibits.
Stated CEU student, Lavonda Talk, “I think the art relieves you. You can go to the show and leave your stress behind for a while.”
“It was an incredible cultural experience for the local community to participate in the discussion and enjoy the art,” stated Haddock.
“Transform, Notate, Accumulate continues through Friday, Feb. 27. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday.
Anyone wishing additional information, regarding “Transform, Notate, Accumulate,” mail requests, or to schedule an after-hours or group showing, may call Brent Haddock, 613-5225.