March 11, 2025

CEU’s average Joe is out to conquer the business world at BYU

This archived article was written by: Gypsie Delgado

Our faithful student body president is going to Provo this fall. Lloyd is a native of Price, living and growing up in the same house a few blocks from the college his whole life.
He left Price only long enough to serve a two-year mission in West Virginia, Charleston for the LDS Church.
Lloyd attended CEU for a semester before his mission and two years since his return. He has been a member of the business club, served on the board of trustees, Utah Council of Student Body Presidents, College Senate, as well as the Presidents Cabinet. “There are many different aspects to being Student Body President than just the Student Body President issues,” Lloyd said.
He has had previous leadership experience as vice president of his junior class. Senior year he was student body vice president all while attending Carbon High School. He also served as a district leader, zone leader and trainer while on his mission.
Lloyd is the only boy and second oldest of four children. His sisters, Julie, Lindsey and Kimberly “were never too mean to him,” stated Lloyd. His mother Geanette is a second grade teacher at Castle Heights Elementary and his father Gerald is the distributor for the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News.
Lloyd is also the proud uncle of William and Caroline. “I really respect my family and appreciate everything they have done for me. I love my family and enjoy being around them,” Lloyd said.
Focusing on Brigham Young University, and working on getting accepted have been some of his major steps towards the future.
He plans to major in business administration. He will be walking away from CEU with an associate in business, and a great goal for the rest of his life.
For the summer Jed will be traveling to Dallas, Texas with a few close friends, to be an advertising manager for Apex alarm systems. He is very excited for the chance to work first hand in the business field and earn money for school.
“I enjoy being around my friends, sports, playing night games, just watching movies, or just sitting around shooting the ‘bull’,” Lloyd said. Being from a small town, he has learned how to invent new ways to have fun.
Lloyd also enjoys driving around while listening to his hip-hop music collection, for which he is infamously known. He is not known to have a clique or a certain group of friends, he is a friend with everyone.
You rarely see him with the same group of people. His diverse personality makes it easy for him to get along with many different types of people. Those who know Lloyd well know that he is not quick to temper (unless playing night games), his unique personality has a want for everyone to get along.
When asked about this school, Lloyd states, “CEU has it’s good points and it’s bad points, the problem is you can ask ten different people and get ten different directions in which the school is going. I think CEU can prosper, I think it really has the potential to really have a great reputation.
“It’s important if we really want to build the future of CEU, we need to come up with an identity, come up with some sort of marketing system to market the college to students across Utah.
“I have really enjoyed my time here at CEU and enjoyed the classes and teachers. They have prepared me well to go on to another College or University. The people here have been very friendly, there is a great atmosphere and a great campus. I would recommend it to anyone to at least go to a Jr. college first.
“The best advice I can give to somebody who wants to be a leader is to experience it, you have to be willing to take risks, and run for student offices. It does not have to be student leadership, it can be in any aspect of you life, you have learn how to do it and the best way is experience. Do not be afraid to take the chance. Most of us have more potential than we think we have. Also, follow whatever bill Osborn has to say because he is the leadership guru and knows pretty much anything,” Lloyd stated.
“I am not a very aggressive person,” Lloyd said, “I enjoy the romantic things, a nice candle lit dinner, snuggling by the campfire or a movie, or flying to a Caribbean island.” Yes, ladies Lloyd is looking for a first lady so keep your eyes peeled.