October 22, 2024

Alumna hired to assist in admissions/scholarships

This year, several new faces are on the campus at the College of Eastern Utah. One of the new faces happens to be the new office assistant in the office of admissions and scholarships, Corina Poole; a Price native. She has accepted the job and says that she loves it.


This archived article was written by: Morgan Hampton

This year, several new faces are on the campus at the College of Eastern Utah. One of the new faces happens to be the new office assistant in the office of admissions and scholarships, Corina Poole; a Price native. She has accepted the job and says that she loves it.
Her job consists of filing the scholarship applications as well as the scholarship acceptance letters, taking phone calls inquiring about scholarships and other campus information and to assisting Todd Olsen in the every day task of scholarship categorizing and the constant flow of bulk mail to the high school students in the state.
Poole was originally raised in Wellington, the small town about five miles east of Price. She attended Carbon High School where she participated on the drill team, (The Dynamics) and in 1988 she graduated with honors.
She attended the College at Eastern Utah and graduated last semester with an associate’s of science degree, and is working on a degree in psychology. Showing off a bit of her sense of humor, she said “so if any of you want to come in, I can practice, ‘psychoanalyzing’ you.” Poole is enrolled through the Utah State University extension on campus and attends classes at night after her day working in the admissions office.
When it comes to multi-tasking, not only does Poole do it at the office with her job, she does it with her everyday life as well. She is a wife, a mother, a secretary, a student and an Ambassador mom. She is married to Jordan Poole and has two children: Jarett (13), and Nick (12). When she isn’t at the office or at school, she is spending time with her family.
One of her favorite pasttimes is spending time with her two sons, “I like to go to movies, especially with my kids. We have a good time”. Poole said, “The best part of being a mother is watching my boys’ personalities change, and watching them grow as they get older”. Poole loves attending the theater, traveling and reading – things she does mostly with her husband and kids. Family is one of the most important things in Poole’s life.
As the office assistant in the admissions and scholarships office, Poole spends a lot of time with the EU Ambassadors. “I like watching their dedication and the way they work without complaining, it’s very impressive.” Everyday the office works on bulk mail that is sent to the high school seniors and juniors across the state as well as anchoring phone calls to many students to remind them that they need to attend the college days at their high schools. She is a major coordinator of the phone calling and bulk mailing lists. One of her biggist pet peeves (which has developed since she accepted her job at CEU) is returned bulk mail and the other that coincides with that is excuses!
Poole is happy to be at Eastern Utah and loves to mingle and be amongst the student population. “The students here are great. There is something new every day.” If there is anything particular that Poole wanted the students to know, she replied, “I’m a really nice person and easy to talk to.”
Coincidently, Poole’s maiden name (Macknight) is familiar to some at CEU. Her grandmother, Earlene Macknight, was the first Dean of Women at CEU and former advisor of The Golden Eagle newspaper.