October 22, 2024

New school year brings new ASCEU leaders to meet

Jesse Holt
Student Body President

Jesse Holt
Student Body President
To me vision is nothing without action, which is what I plan on doing; putting my visions along with each of yours into action. I would love to tell you that I am going to change the world, but do not believe in making promises that I cannot keep. I will give it my all to make CEU an experience you will not forget. This year we have a great group of students working together for a common goal: making CEU a great institution for higher education as well as a place to have a lot of fun. It is a student-friendly campus. You have the potential of being involved and staying connected to the campus. Having students involved throughout the year will help the moral of CEU as well as letting the students have a sense of school pride. The community is very inviting to the college and hopefully the students are responsive to their surroundings. Let’s try to have a great year and let your voices be heard. The AS-CEU Leadership booth is open Monday-Friday at 9 a.m.; the booth is for the students to make suggestions so we can make CEU a better place, a place to remember!

Lisa Barnum
V.P. of Academics
To all CEU students: focus. I take to heart the Wal-Mart slogan: how may I help you? When I came to the cool climate of Carbon County from the sunny, sweaty side of the state, St. George, I was thrust from my protective shell and thrown into a society of friendly faces and an academic achievement. I plan to work closely with the students and faculty to bring changes to the school. ASCEU is here to serve the students as fellow students, and after having been here for a year, I have many dreams and visions for this year.
I’ve won two watermelon seed-spitting contests and attended Pine View High School. When I was 10, I skipped the 5th grade making me only 18 and in my second year of college, but am excited to be able to vote. My favorite quote is “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small compared to what lies within us.” My favorite thing about myself is my potential and the people that I am working with this year. Have the time of your life, and remember that every day is a gift, that’s why it’s called “the present”!

Rikelle Deaton
V.P. of Activities
I am not a believer in the phrase “there is nothing to do here.” I plan to give people even more reason to be as unbelieving as I am in that phrase. I plan to work more with the Inter Club Council and get more people involved in the activities. I plan to offer more reasons for students to stay in town on the weekends in order to fully enjoy their college experience. I want to get the students input and make sure that their voices are heard. I would like to reach out to different students that normally wouldn’t attend activities. I would like to diversify our activities and have an open mind to new ideas. Most of all, live it up and have a blast.

Jessica Holdaway
Executive Assistant
I am excited for this year and all the memories that it will create. Awesome activities are planned for you as students and individuals to get yourself involved in. I will be organized and prepared for anything that might come my way. I want to be a reliable person but not only for the student government but also for all the other students that attend CEU. I want to be involved and help wherever I might be needed and do my best to help the students get involved. If I could give students one bit of advice it would be “Live it up and get involved with anything and everything you possibly can.” This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Pat Thayn
V.P. of ICC
My main goal for clubs is to give them a reason to be on campus. I want to know what it is they need to be doing and make them want to do it. We need to show them what they should be doing and make it a competition. Clubs should be a great resource of fun and service to the students and the college.

Michelle Smith
V.P. of Finances
I would like to maintain the budget as well as to perform my duties on the student fee allocation committee to the best of my ability and see that the student fees are spent right. I would also like to maintain a good relationship with the business staff and the other people I will work with.

Amy Anderson
Student Advocate
Hey guys, I hope you’ve all settled in at CEU and loving every minute of it. College life can be amazing and the best years of your life if you let it be. I am excited to be serving the students at CEU and looking forward to expressing your views and opinions to help make changes needed to make your college experience the best possible.
As my position entails, I am your voice on campus. If you have any questions, ideas, or concerns about anything, please contact me; the easiest way is to email me: [email protected]. I will make sure that this year, the students come first … because without students, no one on campus would have a job. It’s all about you- so let me serve you.

Sheng Lee
Multi-Cultural Chair
As a multi-cultural chair, the first problem I face is the international student. These students came to America just for a reason, which is studying; they are on a student visa. They need to focus on academics, in order to concentrate on studying, they need someone to back them up on information as knowing American culture & customs, especially in Utah, a state that totally different from other states in U.S. I am planning to have a trip to Salt Lake to Temple Square because Utah is famous for the Mormon Church, and see other significant sites.

Jennifer Higham
ICC recruitment chair
Hello, fellow students of CEU. I am Jennifer Higham from Clearfield, Utah. This is my second year at CEU and I am having a great time. I love to help others and am excited to serve the school this year.
I am the inter-club council recruitment chair this year on ASCEU. This year I hope to keep the clubs and the club presidents informed about what is going on around campus. I hope to develop a good communication between the clubs and the ICC council and make this year enjoyable for everyone.

Sydney Broadhead
residential life chair
My name is Sydney Broadhead. I’m from Sandy and this is my second year at CEU. I’m the residential life chair on ASCEU, which means I make resolutions to problems that you, as students, have.
This year we have some great things planned. The cafeteria is getting new recipes, and new workers and the new I.D. card can be used for the library, cafeteria and for discounts around the community. This year we have a new maintenance line. If you ever have a problem you can call the help desk or send an online message, which improves communication, and your problems will be resolved faster. I plan to make your experience at CEU a positive one by representing you and fixing any problems you might have. So if you have any suggestions, let me know. Email me at [email protected] or call me at (435) 613-5839.

Aubrey Jensen
entertainment chair
Hi, my name is Aubrey Jensen and I am serving in the position of entertainment chair for ASCEU. I am from Ferron, Utah. My position is the coolest position and I am hoping for the ultimate year having the best entertainers. The band “Paradigm” is only a preview of the year to come so come have fun and get involved.

Brianne Pinedo
special events chair
I, Brianne Pinedo, as the special events chair, will try my best at every activity that I plan by being prepared months in advance to insure the fun will be there on the date no matter what, plan diverse activities to bring a different crowd to every activity, to involve CEU and their ideas in planning the activities for them and to keep the energy and make sure that the year of 2005-2006 is the best year that I can give at CEU.

Joseph Whitehead
Golden Eagle chair
Hello, my name is Joseph Whitehead and I am the Golden Eagle chair for ASCEU this school year. I am a local boy from Price, Utah and this is my second year at CEU.
My job is to promote school spirit by sponsoring activities to help all of us to have pride in our sports teams and even our drama and dance departments. These activities will give the students a way to have fun, meet new people, and gain school pride. I hope to help give all the students at CEU an even greater reason to get out and get involved in all the wonderful things that CEU has to offer. This school year can be as fun or as dumb as you make it. Please come and get involved and cheer on your school. Go Eagles.

Maren King
public relations chair
Why hello there, I’m Maren King and I am the public relations chair this year for ASCEU. I live in Price but I’m really a Tennessee girl at heart. In my position I serve as a liason between CEU and other parts of the community. I am also in charge of taking all the pictures at activities this year so make sure to smile hard and strike a pose when you see me.
After every activity, check out the ASCEU website at asceu.ceu.edu and look at all of the pictures from each of the activities and point and laugh at all of your friends. A great man once said, “All of your wildest dreams will come true” and if you come and get involved with all the activities and other chill things around campus, all of your wildest dreams will come true and you will have a killer time at CEU.

Kristin Gardner
publicity chair
Hello, I’m Kristin Gardner, your new ASCEU publicity chair. I’m very excited to be here. I’m from Salt Lake City; I went to West High School. This is my second year at CEU and I love it here. The people are great and so are all of the activities. There is no excuse to say that there is nothing to do. There are always plenty of activities going on and clubs to join. You just need to get involved.
My big goal this year is to get the word out to everyone about all of the great things that there are to partake of at CEU. This includes letting all of the non-traditional and off-campus students know what’s going on. Look for our new A-frames around the community letting you know about all of the upcoming activities. We also are going to be sending out regular e-mails and occasional text messages about the activities to all students who would like to receive them. Sign-up in the booth if you want to become informed. I’m looking forward to a great year. I hope you are too.

Bo Christensen
intramural chair
Hey I’m Bo Christensen from Price and I’m the intramural chair for ASCEU this year. What I’m going to try and accomplish this year is fun and competitive as well as laid back sports and leisure activities, which will be available for any student who is interested.   CEU intramural will also be competing against other colleges for those competitive students, but the main focus for this year’s intramural will be getting everyone involved who wants to participate. An amazing variety of activities will hopefully allow everyone to be involved in something they enjoy at some point in this year’s activities.

Brittany Stansfield
recreation chair
I, Brittany Stansfield, as the recreation chair of ASCEU will make sure people know that they can rent equipment from the recreation department. I am going come up with activities that appeal and interest everyone. I am going to watch my budget and spend my funds on worthwhile and fun things. I will try to involve the community as much as I can. I am planning for a great year.