October 17, 2024

Citations issued at campus concert

This archived article was written by: Heather Myers, Cj Jelsma, Allie Mangum

Three citations were issued on the night of the Battle of the Bands on the College of Eastern Utah campus for possessing and consuming alcoholic beverages on campus.
Though only three people were cited, campus police are convinced that there were more involved. Director of Public Safety James Prettyman stated that there should have been over a dozen arrests but “word got out quickly” that police were there.
According to campus police, less than a third of the people involved in the illegal activity were actually caught by the campus police and cited. All three that were cited were under the age of 21.
“There were not enough cops to cover all of the drinking that was going on,” stated Prettyman.
Once word got around about the campus police being at the Battle of the Bands, which was sponsored by the Criminal Justice Club, many of those involved left to elude detection by campus police.
The Battle of the Bands concert, which was not highly advertised, did not draw as big of a crowd as planned. Halloween festivities in the local area also detracted from many students showing up for the concert.
Prettyman stated that every Battle of the Bands in the past has involved multiple arrests for consumption and possession of alcohol.
“Please reconsider consuming or possessing alcohol when you come to CEU,” Prettyman warns students. “Do not even risk it. If you are intoxicated, stay away from CEU.”
CEU has a zero tolerance policy for consuming or possessing alcohol on the campus. Students caught will face class B misdemeanor charges, which could lead to up to $1,000 in fines and 90 days in jail.
Students will also face charges from the college, including a $25 fine, probation until graduation and possible service hours.
Band members were disappointed by the lack of attendees. Rumor has it only 30 to 40 people showed up for the event.
Any opportunity to play is fun, Danny Pike of One Ride, one of the bands that play at Battle of the Bands, said, but it would have been more fun if more people had showed up.
One of the other major problems with Battle of the Bands was poor advertising. According to Cindy McIntyre, an organizer of the event, the poor advertising was due to miscommunication. McIntyre was approached by a member of one of the bands who wanted his band to participate in a concert on campus.
She first approached Sharon Jones, hall director for Sessions and Tucker residence halls, for advice on organizing a concert on campus. Jones told her how much it was to rent the ballroom on a Saturday night, however, if she got a club to sponsor it, the facility would be free.
McIntyre was directed to ASCEU,