October 22, 2024

Through The Eagles Eye

You fruitcake
While attending the Nov. 1 performance of “Deathtrap,” a member of the college faculty parked in front of a residence on 400 North across the street from campus. Upon returning to the vehicle, the faculty member found a note that read, “These are private parking spots. Please move your ugly peice (sic) of vehicle you fruitcake (heart) Us.”
An inquiry to the campus police department revealed that all streets surrounding the campus are public. Street-side parking is completely legal as long as vehicles do not block driveways, fire hydrants or crosswalks and are not designated no parking with red paint on the curb.
Students, faculty, staff and the general public may park in any one of seven college-owned parking lots, located south of the Geary Theater, north of the Computer Business Building, south of Burtenshaw and Tucker residence halls, surrounding Aaron Jones Hall, north of the McDonald Career Center, north and east of the G.J. Reeves Building and east of Sessions Hall. In addition, the LDS church has made available the parking lot it owns south of Price City Cemetery. Price city has also made available the parking lot adjacent to the wave pool.
In fact there are only two places that are not public parking: the small parking lot north of the LDS church building at 545 East 400 North and areas marked as red zones.
Every once in a while, The Eagle gives kudos to a few individuals or organizations that have done a good job or improved something. We don’t give plaques, certificates or ribbons. But maybe the people or groups we mention will get a good, warm feeling inside. And we’re not talking about the feeling of drinking coffee on a cold winter day.
Since the start of the academic year, four installments of “Through The Eagle’s Eye” have appeared in The Eagle. Each has addressed two issues that we felt needed improvement or should be changed.
The article printed on Aug. 25 addressed the unprofessional look of posters at local businesses that participate in the college’s Eagle Card discount program. Local businesses have since been provided with professional-looking, full-color posters that show a better face to the community. So kudos to ASCEU.
Also on Aug. 25, we addressed the pain of construction. Soon after, a land bridge between the library and the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center was established. The Eagle does not believe this was solely because we voiced our opinion about the lack of accessible routes around the construction. But we like to think that we joined other students in supporting better routes around campus despite the interruptions caused by construction. Unfortunately, due in our view to the poor construction management, the contractor continued to flood grass and mud continued to build up on shoes and carpets. Sorry, contractor, no kudos.
On Sept. 8, we further advocated changes in construction management by opposing the portable latrine placed near the cafeteria. Unfortunately, the construction company was unable to remove the outhouse until they finished the bulk of construction. Again, no kudos for the contractor.
But another issue addressed on Sept. 8 was quickly remedied. Paper signs in the Reeves Building are slowly being replaced with professional-looking plaques. And we failed to notice it at the time, but a directory of offices is located at the east entrance. Similar plaques appeared in the SAC building. So kudos to the building maintenance staff.
On Sept. 22, we spoke out against the ventilation system in the Reeves building. That never changed. Rooms remained colder than a refrigerator until the heat was turned on. So the kudos we just gave to facilities maintenance, we’re taking them back.
The A-frames around Price that we mentioned on Sept. 22 have mysteriously vanished. We didn’t get to have our bonfire, but the childish scrawl that graced the impossible-to-read A-frames is gone. We’re doubling the kudos to ASCEU.
On Oct. 6, we decried the auctioning of “the sexiest boys on campus” as something sounding more pedophilic than a NAMBLA convention at the Boy Scout Jamboree. Unfortunately, CEU’s cheerleaders went ahead with it. So no kudos for the cheer squad. And while we’re at it, we’re taking away a dozen pompoms.
Finally, we criticized a local candidate for using the college mailroom to distribute campaign flyers to faculty. Campaign season is over. And we still believe that it was a misuse of government funds to have the flyers distributed in the mailroom. Our point was that the mailroom is subsidized by the state and should not be used for that purpose. It is using taxpayer dollars to promote a candidate. We believe that to be unethical. So no more kudos for anyone.
In the end, ASCEU got double kudos, cheer no kudos and is down a few pompoms. The contractor managed to go in the hole, but facilities maintenance broke even.
A few organizations deserve kudos though. So kudos to anyone that has gone out of their way to make someone else’s day a little better. Good job. Go buy yourself a candy bar.