January 18, 2025

ASCEU’s statement of expectations

ASCEU note: There was a concern brought up from the forum that instead of making expectations for the entire school, focus on those that have the concerns and go to them. What they do not understand is that if they would have attended campus forums and made aware of what takes place in meetings, they would know that we have gone to the source several times. We present problems and nothing happens. We present solution and still nothing happens. We offer to take it upon ourselves to fix the problems, and it gets done. Yet there are still items that we cannot take upon ourselves because of how many weeks it takes to accomplish something, no matter how minor. Therefore we propose “The Statement of Expectations.”
Some called this proposal a demand, some called it a threat, some even refer to it as a grenade being thrown over a wall at someone personally. This proposal, not once, pulls someone out and puts them in the spotlight demanding questions be answered. No where in this proposal does it have a name of anyone or a personal attack.
We were told that “how we communicate is just as important as what we communicate.” How we have been communicating has brought nothing but work on our side and no action on theirs; this is why our communication is different than what it has been in the past. We hear of the desire for everyone to “link arms” and yet when we propose some recommendations for everyone, including ourselves, to reevaluate us to make everyone better for the school, there are those that have gotten defensive. Why? Why cannot look past our own pride and the fear that our name might be disgraced and look at the main purpose of why we are all here: the students. This is why we wrote “The Statement of Expectations.”

Whereas, the Associated Students College of Eastern Utah (ASCEU) Leadership, hereafter referred to as Leadership: have been elected or chosen, in accordance to the ASCEU Constitution, to represent fee-paying students attending College of Eastern Utah.
Whereas, enrollment at the College of Eastern Utah, hereafter referred to as college; has been in decline for five years with fall semester 2005 enrollment falling by nearly two hundred full time students.
Whereas, the Board of Regents have directed the Commissioner of Higher Education to present a plan by June 30, 2006, to the Regents, regarding the future of the college.
Whereas, Leadership desires to be proactive on behalf of college alumni and current students to ensure that the college is not adopted by a sister institution or that the mission of the college is not adversely affected.
Whereas, Leadership has over the past two years, in forums and through various venues, presented problems and solutions to the college administration, which if thoroughly addressed, would curtail and most likely reverse the decline in student enrollment and alleviate the need for the Regents to consider alternative solutions to make the college a viable institution.
Whereas, administrators, faculty, staff, students and the citizens of Southeastern Utah have a vested interest in and concern for not only the survival of the college but to see radical progress in reversing the decline in the student enrollment of this institution.
Whereas, the decline of the college is not due entirely to the financial stress of the past decade but can be attributed to the fact that the college is largely unknown outside the local region. That no public relations campaign exists to make the college more known. That the college has a special niche that could make it a one of a kind product due to the local environment of national parks, natural resources, archeological and paleontological sites.
Whereas, the college has eliminated programs that have been magnets for students in the past such as the national champion debate program, with no similar programs coming forth to fill the loss. That once dynamic program that students felt proud to participate in, such as music, band, dance, athletics, have accepted that mediocrity is acceptable for this college. That few members of the faculty have the desire to build quality programs with national reputations, let alone maintain office hours, participate in or attend student extra curricular activities outside their own disciplines, or mentor students through clubs. That if more members of the faculty had the drive and innovation, as exemplified by the automotive department, and a few others, the college would not have an enrollment problem.
Whereas, the college food services, not so long ago, provided a product that student, faculty, staff, and the community purchased willingly and with far less complaints. That many faculty, staff, and community patrons of food services no longer patronize the facility due to quality, service and pricing. That food service is no longer a positive when selling the college to prospective students, but a negative.
Whereas, revised policies and procedures, such as the Student Conduct Code, Athletic Drug Testing and Sexual Assault, have been languishing with the Assistant Attorney General for months without comment or resolution.
Therefore, Leadership proposes to the college administration that immediate action is pursued to address these issues and proposes the following.
That administration secures a private public relations firm to address the issue of name branding for the college. That the college be open to new ideas such as a change in mascot, school colors, etc, in order to make the branding concept work. That the college identifies a public relations officer and provides this officer with the authority to fulfill the branding campaign developed by the public relations firm; that this campaign includes the Pre- historic Museum.
That administration considers introducing and expanding extra mural sports such as men’s volleyball, soccer, tennis, golf, etc, and that the drill team, eliminated this academic year, is reconstituted in the 2006- 2007 academic year.
That administration require faculty to maintain office hours, participate as advisors to clubs where appropriate, and re-build programs that have been in decline. That failure to do so, regardless of tenure, will affect future employment contracts. That faculty is required to recruit talented students for theatre, band, choir, dance, etc. That mediocrity is no longer acceptable!
That staff should be customer friendly and trained on an annual basis on customer friendly techniques by the Human Resource Office. That staff is held accountable by supervisors for poor performance, just as the faculty should not accept mediocrity; the staff should be the epitome of good public servants and relations.
That administration not accepts mediocrity in any department, including athletics. Failure to have a winning season, year after year, due to lack of money or for whatever excuse is given, is not acceptable.
That administration secures an outside professional consultant to evaluate the auxiliary services at the college, particularly food services. That in so doing, administration commits to changes recommended by the consultant, even if it requires radically changing personnel, meal plans, catering services, residential life, etc.
That administration request that the Utah State Attorney General appoint an attorney to the college who will follow through with institutional requests for review of policies and procedures in a timely manner. Should the AG not appoint a new attorney, that the administration move forward in good faith to adopt these new policies and procedures. That the president appoints a chair for the Athletic Drug Testing Committee so this group can move forward with drug testing this semester.
Be it resolved that this resolution be adopted by the Leadership of the Associated Students of the College of Eastern Utah to be presented to President Ryan Thomas and all others with an interest in the future success of College of Eastern Utah.