March 9, 2025

Library offers wealth of info for research

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw

As the semester begins to wind down and many research papers and presentations are due in classes, the library staff would like to extend a welcome for students to stop by and tap into the great resources available at the library. These resources are here to help students during this understandably stressful part of the semester. In addition to scholarly materials in several formats for research papers and presentations, students have access to a quiet environment where it is possible to concentrate and focus on writing and studying. The library is a cell-phone free zone and a no eating zone although beverages with lids on the containers are allowed. And as several students already know, whispering and quiet talking is the preferred mode of communication.
In addition to the physical white building here in the center of our beautiful campus, the library would like to remind students that the library can be accessed virtually by logging onto the library webpage located on-line at . The webpage is available 24/7 for students, staff and faculty access. The library webpage has a direct link for remote access to several of the library’s subscription databases services like EBSCOhost, SIRS and Literature Resource Center. Students and other interested users need to have a library card in order to access the subscription databases from off campus.