October 22, 2024

I might need security

I was thinking about something to write for this story. Everybody was telling me just tell everybody off that I don’t like, but besides one or two people, I don’t have any problems with anyone at CEU. I didn’t want to complain about Price, because I already did that. I kept thinking and thinking until I just came up with an idea. I’ll just give random tidbits and ask random questions about Price and my time here.

This archived article was written by: Marco Dansberry

I was thinking about something to write for this story. Everybody was telling me just tell everybody off that I don’t like, but besides one or two people, I don’t have any problems with anyone at CEU. I didn’t want to complain about Price, because I already did that. I kept thinking and thinking until I just came up with an idea. I’ll just give random tidbits and ask random questions about Price and my time here.
Why do all the high school kids in Price hang around Smiths? I know there is nothing for them to do, but why a grocery store? Why not Wal-Mart, you can get groceries in Wal-Mart and other things, like edited rap CD’s to put in your Chevy Truck. Why not Wendy’s? It stays open later than Smiths.
Have you been to the theatres by Little Ceasers? Wow, that’s all I have to say and I don’t mean that in a good way. I have been to theatres in the most ghetto of places, but I’ll never forget the King Koal theatres. Everyone was telling me they were better than the dollar theater since there wasn’t bats flying around. I saw a nice family film there since the movie “ATL” with one of my favorite rappers TI wasn’t showing down here for some reason, ah well Ice Age 2 was all right.
Why is there an Internet block in the dorms? Yes, I want to look at bad stuff in my room, and if I pay $40 a semester, why can’t I? Or maybe I don’t want to look at bad stuff, maybe I want to look at something normal but that block thing still blocks it out. Luckily it doesn’t block out Myspace, my only connection to the outside world.
There are sprinklers in front of the library, that’s normal. They’re in a pile of rocks. Why are they in a pile of rocks? Water doesn’t make rocks grow bigger. Do they want bigger rocks? If they want bigger rocks they should just put bigger rocks there.
People in Sessions are different. I am not making fun of them they just are.
Has anybody ever got hit on that crosswalk by the dorms and the student center? Because people don’t like to stop for me, maybe they stop for you. In fact that crosswalk makes me think “if a person is at a cross walk, does a car have to stop?’ Because maybe they don’t have to.
Price doesn’t have a downtown, at least in my opinion. Whenever someone tells me they are going to downtown Price, I always laugh and think to myself, wouldn’t it just be easier to point and say “I’m going over there,”
I know in my last article, I wasn’t going to say anything bad about the cafeteria so I am just going to ask a question. Have you ever eaten in the cafeteria on a weekend? If you have, I won’t talk about it. If you haven’t, you should try it or maybe just look at it.
Officer Prettyman is a character, that’s all I can say.
When I lose a dorm key, it costs $40 to replace. It can be dubbed at Wal-Mart for 97 cents. When I check out of my room and forget to vacuum, I get charged $5? How does vacuuming a room amount to $5?
Really what’s up with that rock that gets painted all the time? I’m sorry, I don’t care what designs gets painted on it, it’s just a rock.
Who owns those six-seated bikes around the campus, and how many people have tried to ride them?
If you have answers to any of these questions e-mail me.

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