February 22, 2025

Peace out, enjoy the summer months, I demand it

Greetings and salutations everyone, welcome to the viewpoint’s section of The Eagle, I shall be your host for the duration of your time. My name is Leland. I hope you all enjoy yourselves, I shall endeavor to make your experience as pleasant as possible. For the last issue of the semester, which you are holding in your hands at this moment, I have several topics I would like to cover. The first of which is this fabulous weather we are enjoying.

This archived article was written by: Leland Lobato

Greetings and salutations everyone, welcome to the viewpoint’s section of The Eagle, I shall be your host for the duration of your time. My name is Leland. I hope you all enjoy yourselves, I shall endeavor to make your experience as pleasant as possible. For the last issue of the semester, which you are holding in your hands at this moment, I have several topics I would like to cover. The first of which is this fabulous weather we are enjoying.
Take a good look around today when you find yourself with a minute or so to spare. This may seem a little dense to you, but I just noticed that spring is now in effect. Yes! I love it, the sun is shining, trees and flowers are blooming or doing whatever it is that trees and flowers do in the springtime, and the ladies are wearing less clothing. What more could one ask for? That is to say besides getting an A in whatever class is causing you the most trouble this semester. I don’t know about everybody else, but I plan to enjoy this weather in a thorough, yet somehow extremely laid back fashion. I highly suggest that all of those who happen to be holding this newspaper in their hands to do the same. The laid back part is, of course, optional, it is simply one of those choices that we all have to make for ourselves at one point or another.
Whatever you feel like doing, just go ahead and do it. Jump off of something extremely high with nothing but a large piece of cloth attached to your back to slow your descent. Ride down a mountain as fast as you possibly can on your bicycle, but make sure that you do it somewhere that there is no established path. Climb something with your bare hands. Jump off of a bridge with your feet tied to a ridiculously large rubber band in hopes that it keeps you from making contact with whatever is below the bridge. Get a tan. It doesn’t matter what you do, just get your little rear ends out there and enjoy life. Soak up every ounce of sun and enjoyment that you can, and do it for no other reason than that it is springtime. That’s all I have to say about that, well at least for now.
Anybody graduating this semester raise your hand so the rest of us know who you are. In asking this, it is my great hope that there are actually a few people reading this right now with their hands in the air. I am going to just go about the day assuming that some people did so that I can laugh about it later on. If anybody actually did raise their hand, you just got props from me. Do not take it personally that I am laughing at you, and may God bless you. Also to all of those persons who are graduating and moving on to hopefully better things, I say to you good luck. May your life take you places that you have only thus far dreamed of and may you achieve all that you wish to in this lifetime. If not, however, do not be sad or feel like you are not good enough or whatever it is that those who do not do all they want to in life feel. It is the rare and lucky individual who actually reaches their every goal without reevaluating and/or changing them. Mainly I just wish you happiness, because sorrow and pain are sure to happen. It is only right that life affords at least some kind of happiness along the way.
And now a joke: why did the pirate go see the movie? Because it was rated aarrrrr! That was a joke told to me by a good friend of mine. Needless to say I laughed much of my considerable rear end off. I have a big butt.
Finally I have a little something that I need to get off of my chest. It has come to my attention that many students and Price city residents are not very happy with one of The Eagle staff writers. This person is another writer for the viewpoints section of The Eagle. I’m not talking about any kind of mail he may or may not have received. Well not yet that is, I will address that matter in a few moments. What I am talking about is that myself and another individual on the newspaper staff have had to listen to people complaining about our colleague’s editorials. Also in a few instances the other member of the staff that is with me has had to defend our colleagues’ stance on his chosen topic.
Now, I understand the reasons for these people’s reactions, and the way they feel about the subject because they have a legitimate excuse for feeling this way. But these people need to realize that the individual writing these articles, causing them so much distress, is also validated in his feelings and views.
As far as I can tell, the main problem that the complainers have is that they see the same subject from a different point of view and are simply angered by the fact that the writer’s point conflicts with their. That is one of the facts of life for those who don’t like it, I have a suggestion. Either learn to deal with it, accept it as a part of life and move on, or call up your mom cry to her about it and see if she will kiss your owwie and make it all better. Also quit complaining about it. If you have something to say about this person’s articles, or for that matter, any of our articles, we put our e-mail addresses in the paper for you to respond to us. Also there is a little section of the newspaper you may have heard of called, “letters to the editor” where anybody in the world may address their concerns, criticism, comments, etc, and let us know what they think. I strongly urge everyone to take advantage of this wonderous opportunity for interaction with not only us, but the community as well. Who knows, someone may agree with you and give you kudos for your views. Also you may have a point of view that none of us thought of, or some information that we were not able to obtain. You may just even prove us wrong. And then afterward, we can all go out for icecream.
I ask this only because if anyone comes up to us and starts talking about it, there is really not a whole lot anyone can do. Also because you are likely talking to the wrong person, which is usually the case. It is your right as a citizen of this country to react or or not react, but if you do, make sure it is through the proper avenue. And to make it perfectly transparent, the proper avenue is either directly to the person who wrote the article, or letters to the editor, not other members of The Eagle staff. So either stop complaining or complain to the person whose articles you didn’t like.
All those that have been complaining or just flat out don’t like this person’s articles and views on the things he writes about, go strap a pair on and have the courage to either say something to his face or send him an e-mail. Perhaps the two of you can discuss the matter like adults. Please do not be a punk and complain to someone else that has nothing to do with the whole situation. Especially do not follow the example of one particular individual, who happens to be with somebody’s mother, and send a nasty e-mail with no name attached to it. To that person I ask that you, stop being so pathetic and grow up a little. You know who you are.
Finally I would like to say that I hope everybody has a fabulous summer break. I especially hope that nobody dies or comes down with a debilitating disease or anything of the sort.
Remember if anybody gets anything from me, it is that you should enjoy yourselves, your friends and your lives. Because things that are the opposite of enjoyable are bound to happen so go out and make some happiness. There you have it people, our adventure has come to an end. I hope everybody came through OK and made time for a snack or two.