October 22, 2024

King is queen of court

Tall and talented Jamie King serves as an off-hander and one of the seven new players for the CEU golden Eagles volleyball team.
Jamie King was born in Salt Lake City, and moved to Price while in kindergarten. King grew up in price. While attending Carbon High School she played basketball and volleyball for the lady dinos. Go Dinos was all she had to say about Carbon High.
While growing up. King enjoyed playing basketball. And didn t start playing volleyball until junior high. Volleyball is her favorite sport of the two she played.


This archived article was written by: Chris Henrie

Tall and talented Jamie King serves as an off-hander and one of the seven new players for the CEU golden Eagles volleyball team.
Jamie King was born in Salt Lake City, and moved to Price while in kindergarten. King grew up in price. While attending Carbon High School she played basketball and volleyball for the lady dinos. Go Dinos was all she had to say about Carbon High.
While growing up. King enjoyed playing basketball. And didn t start playing volleyball until junior high. Volleyball is her favorite sport of the two she played.
Her biggest dream while growing up was to be a WNBA player. Those dreams faded pretty fast though, said King. After her other dream faded she either wanted to be a princess with her best friend Meesha in Disneyland. That or become an astronaut and fly to the moon.
After college King plans to attend a four-year college and begin looking into nursing as a career. King said, I chose to attend CEU because it s home, because of volleyball, and because it s a good school!”
King would like to live in Utah after she has graduated and has a career in nursing. She enjoys listening to country, but can tolerate just about anything. She also added, I am the most anti-car person you will ever meet, just as long as it has four wheels and will get me where I need to go, I don t care.
Mexican food is by far her favorite food. That or mashed potatoes and gravy. King couldn t really remember the name of her favorite snack, but her friend Meesha was able to fill in the gaps, her favorite snack would have to be Nutty Buddy bars, or Kit-Kats.
Her favorite animals are bears. King stated, Despite the fact they are mean, they are cute. I want a baby bear. she also likes kitty cats because they are cute as well.
Her most memorable experience is when she and Meesha were sleeping in Meesha s backyard on her trampoline and the neighbors called the police because they were making so much noise.
King has two older brothers that she gets along with great. She said, We have fought occasionally but for the most part we get along great. She wasn t sure where she would see herself in five years, but said simply, I ll be in School, somewhere bigger than here.
She is very optimistic about the volleyball team. She stated, We re going to be awesome this year, were gonna kick butt.
Her favorite movie of all time is Rocketman. King enjoys watching it with Meesha. She enjoys attending CEU, she stated, It s a party, CEU is awesome.
She also enjoys flying kites. As well as eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She eats a whole lot of them, said Meesha.
Coach Martindale added, I knew from the start of last season when we signed her, she would play an integral part of the team because she has long arms and is very talented. I also knew it would take a little bit of time because she changed positions from high school. She has done it valiantly. And she would be the first to tell you that she is not perfect, but she has really improved the last three weeks.