February 23, 2025

Student body president sets agenda to council

Reflections, goals and conclusions are words describing Student Body President Aaron Hale’s motivational presentation to representatives of the Associated Students of the College of Eastern Utah during their weekly advisory meeting on Nov. 9.
Ambition driven, Hales explains the meaning of ASCEU, “our purpose is to ensure that through our activity in student government, our mission statement will be upheld.”

This archived article was written by: Benjamin Waldon

Reflections, goals and conclusions are words describing Student Body President Aaron Hale’s motivational presentation to representatives of the Associated Students of the College of Eastern Utah during their weekly advisory meeting on Nov. 9.
Ambition driven, Hales explains the meaning of ASCEU, “our purpose is to ensure that through our activity in student government, our mission statement will be upheld.”
He looks to the mission of ASCEU saying that the representatives have a ” … four-fold mission” and need to “represent the concerns and interests of CEU students on a campus and state level … Enhance holistic development of individual students … Strengthen and ensure the future growth and prosperity of the college, students and the community through service … and promote student involvement.”
Although much of the presentation was aimed at student government, he pointed out the individual goals of each council and himself.
Some of these goals were written this summer before school, but since many student representatives are not the original members, some goals have been changed.
The goals presented by council started with student life. Hales said the council’s goals for this school year are to “create a publicity policy that is presented to the college senate” and also to “ensure traffic and pedestrian safety around the campus.”
Activity council’s goals, he explains, are attempting to “create a super activity that will become a benchmark for years to come,” that will have three entertainers and will “stay in the budget.”
The council also plans that through this super activity, they will “generate funds for an increase in next year’s budget.”
Although these goals are top priority for the activities council, the main goal is to “create activities that will ensure the retention of the students and enhance school spirit.”
Moving to the next goals, Hales describes the senate will be focusing on faculty and student recognition and establishing awareness.
The senate has been checking to make sure office hours are kept by the faculty and have also been communicating with each CEU department to see how they can improve.
Stating inner-club council’s goals turned out to be the quickest point in Hale’s presentation, considering that the council had already accomplished the goals.
Regardless, Hales explains that the two goals of inner club council is to “ensure that all 42 clubs are registered and active for next year to create a legacy” and also to “have 80 percent participation in ICC meetings.”
Continuing, he describes the goals of the student advocate, which are to “get the new student code of conduct passed and ensure that hearings are conducted in accordance with the policy” and to “assist in the AS-CEU elections for leadership next year.”
Ending the talk about goals, Hales wants to “represent the students in administrative decisions,” to “ensure that AS-CEU leadership is serving it’s 4-fold mission,” to “increase the moral and spirit among our leaders,” to “represent the students of CEU at a state level” and to “accomplish the goals of all councils and persons in AS-CEU leadership.”
After discussing the purpose, mission and goals Hales began to exercise the brains of each representative by asking reflective questions such as, “what do we need to do to achieve our goals?” and “how will setting up these goals affect the progress of AS-CEU leadership this year?”
He believes the outcome of our goals will show more then just a wasted year, but also that “there will be greater appreciation given to students or faculty that go the extra mile.”
He believes by working hard together, AS-CEU can make it so “our college will have a fully functioning and recognized student senate,” and for accountability sake, that “justice will be administered for any misconduct on campus.”