February 23, 2025

Saying goodbye

Personal reasons were cited by 26 students as the number-one reason for withdrawing from classes spring semester 2006 at the College of Eastern Utah. According to Shanny Wilson, academic adviser, 46 students filled out withdrawl forms listing their reasons for leaving school, with moving and school-related as the second and third reasons the students dropped out of school.
Other reasons included financial, employment, family-related, transportation and church/military.
Of the 46 responses, 17 received financial aid, 24 did not and five gave no response.

Personal reasons were cited by 26 students as the number-one reason for withdrawing from classes spring semester 2006 at the College of Eastern Utah. According to Shanny Wilson, academic adviser, 46 students filled out withdrawl forms listing their reasons for leaving school, with moving and school-related as the second and third reasons the students dropped out of school.
Other reasons included financial, employment, family-related, transportation and church/military.
Of the 46 responses, 17 received financial aid, 24 did not and five gave no response.
When asked if there was anything CEU could do to prevent the withdrawl, 40 students said no and four had no response. Their comments ranged from “unfortunately no, not at this time and have not attended classes.”
Tweny two of the students planned to re-enroll at CEU in the near future, 16 would not ever re-enroll at CEU and eight did not know.
Of those who planned to re-enroll, they believed that academic advising could assist them or talking to a SSS adviser, helping them with registration for classes, discussing veteran’s benefits, helping with financial aid appeal, helping with financial aid while three students said nothing.
Their final comments were eclectic with some simply failing classes, health reasons, moving or attending another college. The list included working two jobs, did not make the baseball team – very unhappy, in hospital with blood clot, getting married, going on a mission, student passed away, car accident and no transportation, moved home to pay off debt to mother, battling depression, bipolar and hit bottom, growth in sinuses that caused pain and ringing in ears, employment with sheriff’s department, suffering from panic attacks, separated from husband and children, complications with pregnancy, going to U of U to be closer to home, mother is ill, moving to Missouri, marital separation, need to pay a fine and numerous deaths in family which caused illness and mental anguish.