Acacia Davis Managing ASCEU activities, academics
One of the busiest persons on the Associated Students at the College of Eastern Utah’s executive council is Acacia Davis
Davis’ job is the executive vice president of student life council. She is in charge of nontraditional chair, the residential life chair and the public relations chair.

This archived article was written by: Michael Powell
One of the busiest persons on the Associated Students at the College of Eastern Utah’s executive council is Acacia Davis
Davis’ job is the executive vice president of student life council. She is in charge of nontraditional chair, the residential life chair and the public relations chair.
The responsibility of being the executive vice president is to set goals for ASCEU. She says overseeing the goals include seeing progress and helping with the student body elections. She also attends advisory meetings every Thursday in the conference room in the Student Center at 2:30 p.m. where everyone is able to listen and exchange ideas.
Davis was born and raised in Carbon County, receiving her high school diploma from Carbon High School.
She is majoring in communications and law and is going into public speaking.
This June, she hopes to receive her associate’s degree and transfer to California State or to Southern Utah University for a semester.
Some of the things that Davis learned from being in ASCEU is that there are different types of leaders; the first one is to let everyone do their jobs and don’t worry about it. And the other type is to try to do it all and don’t let anyone help. Davis found herself being the second type which is bad, because you do not trust the people you work with to accomplish their jobs and you also end up getting overwhelmed by trying to do it all.
The hardest part for Davis is to balance her education and fulfill the requirements for her position.
If she could change anything at CEU, she would try to get more students at CEU so the school would not be so small and it would not die in a decade or two.
Davis’ favorite classes are philosophy because how the teacher taught the class, it was not taking notes. The way the class was taught was an open communication between the students and the teachers. Her second favorite class was public speaking.
The job she enjoyed the most is working at “The Buckle”, a clothing store in Orem. She enjoys working there because it is a clothing store where all the hot guys hang out. On her spare time, she ends up hanging out with the ASCEU staff and when she’s with her friends, she likes to shop, dance or just stay home with her family.
Favorite movies and books of hers include White Christmas, because it is an old musical and she likes old movies and musicals. The book is a totally different category because she does not like to read books; she would rather look at magazines like U.S. Weekly.
Her role model is her mom. Her mom has a strong hold on everything in life and is independent. These are the aspects she likes about her mom. Other than that, she looks at traits that other people have and tries to find good things about everyone.
In ten years Davis sees her self-living in a big city hoping that she owns her own house and is working for a big business as the president or with board of directors.