October 18, 2024

Poseidon Adventure: The Musical The best way to end CEU theatre season

If there is one word to describe the 06-07 theatre season at the College of Eastern Utah this year it would have to be entertainment. From sword fights and adventures in “The Three Musketeers,” to misunderstandings and farcical wit in “How the Other Half Loves,” and even the highly physical and extremely comical “7 Keys to Baldpate.” This season has been all about making you laugh and keeping you entertained.


This archived article was written by: Kylee Bird

If there is one word to describe the 06-07 theatre season at the College of Eastern Utah this year it would have to be entertainment. From sword fights and adventures in “The Three Musketeers,” to misunderstandings and farcical wit in “How the Other Half Loves,” and even the highly physical and extremely comical “7 Keys to Baldpate.” This season has been all about making you laugh and keeping you entertained.
What better way to end the season than with “Poseidon Adventure: the musical?” To explain more why this show is great, I sat down with Phil Smith, a sophomore in the theatre program to get his take on what makes this play such a must see.
Kylee: So Phil, first off why don’t you explain who you play and generally what the play is about?
Phil: Well it’s sort of a parody of the 1972 film of the same name. I play Mike Rogo, the ruggedly handsome cop, (laughs) basically the show is about a group of people stuck in an upside-down ship. It’s a struggle of survival set to music. It’s pretty much amazing.
K: Really? So do you have any other experience with musical theatre?
P: I do. I’ve performed in several musicals: “Footloose,” “Li’l Abner,” “Once Upon a Mattress” and almost “Something’s Afoot” until my appendix decided to explode.
K: Oh wow! So you’ve had a little taste of everything I guess? What do you think sets Poseidon Adventure apart? How is it been unique from the other musicals you’ve done?
P: This is no ordinary musical. Because it’s based on a classic movie it’s almost as if, in my case, that I’m playing Ernest Borgnine playing Mike Rogo. That’s something most actors don’t get the opportunity to do. So whether you’re a musical theatre fan or just a movie fan, it appeals to you.
The writers were smart enough to include actual lines of dialogue from the movie and our director, Todd Olsen, was smart enough to expand on all of the great things that they wrote. So it’s turned from what was originally a thriller into a side-splitting comedy.
K: That sound like a lot of fun. So now let’s talk about the set. How is the set different than what we usually see at CEU?
P: A very unique part of this set is the fact that during the show it turns completely upside down. We are using parts of the stage that haven’t been used in recent shows, and there is a breathtaking surprise that’ll come right from the gods. I’m not going to tell you some of the surprises. You’ll just have to come and find out for yourself.
K: Leaving the reader hanging huh? Well, I can respect that. So one last question, why should the students from College of Eastern Utah see this play?
P: Because they’ll get to look at my gorgeous self. (We both laugh)
K: Anything else?
P: In all seriousness, I’ve never been so excited about doing a show in my entire career as an actor. It’s like nothing you’ve ever seen Eastern Utah Theatre do before. There are explosions, falling Christmas trees, underwater-interpretive dancing and singing dead bodies. It’s everything you would expect from and action movie and nothing you’d ever expect from a musical. It’s pretty much the greatest single work to hit the stage since Shakespeare died!
“The Poseidon Adventure: The Musical” is playing March 29, 30, 31 & April 2 and 3 at the Geary Theatre. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. and ticket prices are $2 for CEU students and $4 for faculty and staff.