February 23, 2025

Alumnae named new SSS advisor in JLSC

Chelsea Martino is one of three advisors that work at College of Eastern Utah’s Student Support Services. She works with the director Tracie Noyes, Peggy Golding and Erin Rowley. Chelsea is an advisor as well as the tutor coordinator for SSS.
One of the main goals of SSS is to help students achieve academically so that they can continue their education at a university and obtain bachelor’s degrees.
Martino has worked several places on campus since first attending in 2000; these include: the Golden Grille, bookstore, and most recently the nursing department.


This archived article was written by: Michael Powell

Chelsea Martino is one of three advisors that work at College of Eastern Utah’s Student Support Services. She works with the director Tracie Noyes, Peggy Golding and Erin Rowley. Chelsea is an advisor as well as the tutor coordinator for SSS.
One of the main goals of SSS is to help students achieve academically so that they can continue their education at a university and obtain bachelor’s degrees.
Martino has worked several places on campus since first attending in 2000; these include: the Golden Grille, bookstore, and most recently the nursing department.
Her favorite part about working at CEU is she knows all her colleagues from attending school here.
She was born in Snowflake, Ari., and has lived in several states and even in Germany. She graduated from Dugway High School located on a military base in Tooele County. She has earned two associate’s degrees; one in general studies and one in business. She recently earned her bachelor’s degree in business from Utah State University- Price Extension.
She met her husband Mark Martino while she was a student at the college.
In her free time Chelsea likes to go four wheeling, cooking, fishing and visit her family in Oregon.
If Chelsea could change anything at CEU she would change the location so that it would somewhere like Hawaii or Italy.