February 23, 2025

Would you like spit with that?

Have you ever gone into your favorite fast food place and thought, “Wow, the fate of my food is in the hands of these people?” If not, it is probably in your best interest. Not only is your sandwich liable to have a “little extra,” but your health for the night could be determined by that pimply, fast food monster behind the counter.
If you have ever been the victim of the spit/mayo mix, or your hamburger bun has been filled with an unknown sauce, maybe you should reconsider what you say or do when ordering that supersized fry you rely upon.

This archived article was written by: Janine Thompson

Have you ever gone into your favorite fast food place and thought, “Wow, the fate of my food is in the hands of these people?” If not, it is probably in your best interest. Not only is your sandwich liable to have a “little extra,” but your health for the night could be determined by that pimply, fast food monster behind the counter.
If you have ever been the victim of the spit/mayo mix, or your hamburger bun has been filled with an unknown sauce, maybe you should reconsider what you say or do when ordering that supersized fry you rely upon.
Having the experience of working behind the counter and being treated like a piece of dung on the bottom of the customer’s shoe, I know the ways in which your life can be made a completely unhygienic, spitty mess. While you may think that treating those who serve you like dogs will not affect you, you have no clue what can be done to make your Friday night’s dinner the ultimate saliva masterpiece.
You may want to be aware of the appropriate way to act before ordering that next Big Mac or king- size Whopper meal. While approaching, it may be in your best interest to act as if the human being behind the counter is in fact human. It can be seen at first glance if you are a jerk, and your attitude is the only way to save your Coke from having a touch of tooth juice. It has been in my experience that those who think they are of a higher existence are those whose food has that extra something they did not intend on.
Actions you may want to avoid: 1. Throwing change in the face of the girl in drive thru … especially if you are a regular. Actions such as this may result in the top bun of your cheesy chicken sandwich to be filled with the tangy taste of globs of mustard. 2. Treating your server as if they have no intelligence to track and making them feel as if they are not worth the scum on your shower walls. Attitudes such as this usually cause a bit of saliva to enter that already pumped up soda that you can’t seem to live without. In this case, be sure that Sprite isn’t on your must have agenda. 3. Lastly, starting a fight with one of the crew may not be the smartest choice on your part. While you may not be aware, there are eyes and ear throughout, waiting and willing to seek revenge for their fellow employees. While you may see yourself as the “Big Man” now, just wait and see see yourself as the “Big Man” now, just wait and see how amazing you feel when your french fries have been doused in salt and your chicken nuggets have been waiting for your arrival for over an hour … yes chewy … yet not so nice.
While these simple additions may make you cringe now, the things that are impossible to see are the ones that may have you eating your finger in order to rid yourself of the toxic waste. If ever your burger seems to have some extra flavor, don’t rule out the fact that that slab of cow has found it way to the “moo moo” grave and come back just for you. Sounds tantalizing, doesn’t it?
There it is. While you may be one of those customers that we all hate, there is a way to prevent your very own “touched up” meal. All you need to realize is that fast food workers are in the same boat you are paddling. The job sucks, the pay is pathetic, but it is a way to pay the bills and is not anything less than you.
So the next time you just can’t resist that double bacon cheeseburger, just remember to treat that seemingly stupid cashier with respect and you will hear that “smile in their voice” as they tell the cook, “hold the spit.”