February 10, 2025

ASCEU stocks October with activities

Activities, pedestrian safety and plagiarism were some of the topics the executive members of ASCEU discussed the past couple of weeks.
Activities planned for October include the Halloween carnival, an event to help the clubs get involved as well as make money for their activities. A pumpkin carving contest and Halloween dance on Oct. 31 are planned to commemorate the all Hallowed Eve’s festivities.
Also coming up is the Casino Royale Stomp and poker game on Friday, Oct. 12.

This archived article was written by: Riley Spears

Activities, pedestrian safety and plagiarism were some of the topics the executive members of ASCEU discussed the past couple of weeks.
Activities planned for October include the Halloween carnival, an event to help the clubs get involved as well as make money for their activities. A pumpkin carving contest and Halloween dance on Oct. 31 are planned to commemorate the all Hallowed Eve’s festivities.
Also coming up is the Casino Royale Stomp and poker game on Friday, Oct. 12.
The major activity this month will be Midnight to Twelve concert coming again this year. They played at CEU last year and were exited to come back again. They will play at the Carbon County Fairgrounds on Friday, Oct. 19th.
This should make for a fun month and the activities council is really exited for it.
Since a CEU student was hit crossing the street on 300 East last year, there is also a lot of talk about pedestrian safety on campus. There has been a problem around campus with places to cross and stop lights. Some of the discussions have been the idea to increase police on campus, light the perimeter streets better and have a safety meeting to address more issues. If anyone has any ideas on how to make CEU’s campus safer, contact Nick Deeter, or put it in the comment-question-concern box located at the ASCEU booth.
There was also brought up some discussion with the new publicity policy. To make it better, ASCEU will make more spots on campus for activities to be posted. If anyone would like to have ASCEU publicize an event, they can fill out a publicly request form located at the ASCEU booth. Requests must be done at least two weeks in advance or they will not be able to fulfill the request.
ASCEU would also like the CEU community to know there are a lot of things to do on and off campus. If you like the outdoors, the CEU recreation program has made available equipment you can rent and request someone trained to take you out and show you how to do whatever you want to do.
With the True Blue on CEU Fridays, the CEU Bookstore has made it easier for the CEU community to participate in this fun event. If someone wants to buy some CEU apparel, they go to the bookstore and tell them they are a True Blue CEU Eagle and get 10 percent off all apparel.
Lastly in this meeting the topic of plagiarism was brought up. It has started to become a problem on campus and can result in a suspension. A new computer program was purchased to allow faculty to see if a paper or paragraph was plagiarized and what was not. This will make plagiarism that much harder so people will be forced to write their own papers.
“Teachers want to see what you know, not what the Internet or someone else knows,'” says DEl Beatty, dean of students.