February 23, 2025

Tricks of transferring trade given by Shaw & Wilson

Trying to transfer to another college but don’t know the process? Here are some helpful tips given by the College of Eastern Utah’s advisors, Kellie Shaw and Shanny Wilson.
The first decision students must make is what college they want to transfer to complete their degree.
“It is hard to transfer anywhere if students do not know what school they plan to attend next year. Once they find a school they might like to attend, check the major requirements that other colleges or universities offer,” Shaw said.

This archived article was written by: Michael Powell

Trying to transfer to another college but don’t know the process? Here are some helpful tips given by the College of Eastern Utah’s advisors, Kellie Shaw and Shanny Wilson.
The first decision students must make is what college they want to transfer to complete their degree.
“It is hard to transfer anywhere if students do not know what school they plan to attend next year. Once they find a school they might like to attend, check the major requirements that other colleges or universities offer,” Shaw said.
Get applications for scholarships and financial aid from the college websites. The advisers said that getting some money is better than no money.
Make sure to have your applications in by the different school’s deadlines. Each school has a different deadline so check on the deadlines before you apply.
One of the best ways to find out about scholarships and financial aid is to look up the colleges’ websites. Google the names of the schools and their websites should be listed.
The next step is to request your CEU transcript be sent to the college(s) that you are applying. The first transcript is free and each subsequent one is $5. CEU admissions office personnel mails them to the colleges of your choice.
Shaw advised students to attend transfer days and meet with the campus representatives on the days that the college representatives visit.
Four-year colleges visit CEU’s campus several times each semester in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center, so check with the college counselors for academic and transfer information.
Make a visit to check out the campus you think you want to attend and meet the advisers.
Discuss with the campus representatives information about job placements, housing and transferring classes.
Students should enroll into classes that will transfer within their major, Shaw said.
CEU has articulation agreements with each of the Utah campuses on which classes transfer.
Students with less than 30-credit hours need to include their high school transcripts and ACT scores with their admission’s application.
Students need to send their transcripts to any college they are thinking about transferring to. It’s better to have more schools in mind just in case one school does not admit you, she said. And make sure to make the deadlines.