March 6, 2025

Use your blinker when around Gray

One of the perks of being with the SUN Center is the opportunity to get to know the people on campus. I get to sit down and talk with them about life, their interests, whatever floats their boat. As I sat down to interview Heather Gray, president of the College of Eastern Utah SUN Center, I realized I was in for a wild ride.

This archived article was written by: John Keetch

One of the perks of being with the SUN Center is the opportunity to get to know the people on campus. I get to sit down and talk with them about life, their interests, whatever floats their boat. As I sat down to interview Heather Gray, president of the College of Eastern Utah SUN Center, I realized I was in for a wild ride.
Heather is the third child of four, and hails from Clinton, Utah. She is majoring in elementary education, and enjoys spending time with children, especially her three nieces. Her favorite foods are watermelon and Chicken Cordon Bleu, though she isn’t sure if they would be good in the same meal. She loves playing basketball, and guessing from the “Cosmo is My Hero” T-shirt she was wearing, BYU football is high up there as well. Her favorite pastimes include scrapbooking, service, telling jokes, reading, eating and sleeping. She is laid back, calm, and relaxed, unless you don’t use your blinker while driving. Then all bets are off.
Heather is the president of the SUN Center, the only organization on this campus completely devoted to serving others. SUN stands for “Serving Utah Network,” and is part of a group of college organizations dedicated to service. The SUN Center was established in May 1993, and has as its essential purpose, “to enhance, promote, support and teach the value of effective citizenship” through service. It’s presidency which works closely with Kathy Murray in planning and organizing service projects at CEU and, more importantly, the surrounding community.
Sometimes, life has a funny way of revealing your destiny. For Gray it was revealed in the form of a rather attractive young man in a rather uneventful meeting. As she sat in freshman orientation, while others looked around in boredom or were nervous about their first day of college, Gray’s eyes were drawn to the representative from the SUN Center, who she found attractive.
What started out as an infatuation with a young man later turned into a love affair with service and helping others. As Gray’s favorite quote states, “What sunshine is to flowers, service and smiling are to me.” In her three years of involvement, Gray has been involved in many projects, including ProCare, Hunger Issues, Bread ‘N Soup Nights, Dino-Mine Adventure Park Build and many more. Last year she served as the SUN Center Vice President over activities and as the historian.
For those interested in meeting cute guys, or getting involved in service, please contact Kathy Murray or Gray by calling 435.613.5624, or by going directly to the SUN Center, located on the second floor of the Student Center, next to academic advising.