February 23, 2025

Speak up and maybe what you say will save someone for one more day

In recent years drugs have become the preferred past time for teens, and young adults. According to the office of the medical examiner, a total of 190 Utahans died from accidental drug overdose and, for the first time, the state was placed in the top five ranking of the nation’s overdose rates.

This archived article was written by: Stevie Snyder

In recent years drugs have become the preferred past time for teens, and young adults. According to the office of the medical examiner, a total of 190 Utahans died from accidental drug overdose and, for the first time, the state was placed in the top five ranking of the nation’s overdose rates.
Thinking back to your own life, many of us have had friends who have taken drugs, or done something that has impacted their lives in a negative manner, some to the point of death. If there was anything you could do to change the events of someone’s life would you take advantage of it, or just watch them throw their lives away?
Of course we’re all going to say you would take opportunity to save your friend. But most of the time it does not come that easy. Instead of attempting to make your friends realize what they are doing is wrong, most of us decide that we “don’t want to be their mother” so we sit back and let them make bad decisions.
There comes a point in all of our lives when we will all loose a friend for some reason or another. In most cases it cannot be prevented, but in the ones that can, wouldn’t you feel better knowing that you did everything in your power to prevent them from ruining their own lives? Then, if they proceed you are free in knowing you did what you could.
Next time you see your friend about to make a negative decision, let them know how you feel and maybe they’ll change their mind. Stop them before they head on that negative path and hopefully they’ll thank you for it later.
People don’t realize how much doing drugs affects your family and everyone around you. After having friends die from drug overdose you would think the others on drugs would realize what is happening to them and give up drugs. But in most cases they use the death of their friend as another excuse to get high.
With the recent loss of a friend, I have this feeling that there could have been something more we could have done to prevent him from throwing his life away. At the point prior to his death he was already too lost to be found, but a few years back if someone would have helped him, attempted to pay attention to him, or made a stronger effort to help him maybe he would still be here.