February 17, 2025

Letters to the editor …

To whom it may concern,

To whom it may concern,
Every time I try to get on the internet while in my dorm room I pray to all Gods that I can think of. Not because I want to break the firewall and heaven forbid gamble … No. I pray because I want to be able to actually see a webpage before the connection magically disappears. It’s almost as if that Leprechaun switched from cereal to wireless strength. How hard is it to have a network that doesn’t require you to be half naked in panting dog position to get your assignment done on webCT? I’m not asking for much, hell, I’m not asking for money. All I want is to be able to use the internet at my convenience, whenever and wherever I choose to be. Is it the wireless routers? Are those to blame? It’s pretty pointless to slap a piece of hardware, and slapping another person would only give the police a reason to talk to me. Maybe, hopefully, this will draw some attention and this problem will be solved. Not just for me, but for everyone who lives in AJ, Burtenshaw, Tucker and Sessions.
Vic Rosen