October 22, 2024

Introducing Riley Gordon Pitching his best for CEU

Originally from Salem, Utah, where he attended Spanish Fork High School, Riley Gordon is a pitcher on College of Eastern Utah men’s Baseball team.
Gordon has played baseball most of his life. His dad, although a wrestler in high school, taught him how to play at a young age. Not only would his dad be his first coach, but he would also be his role model for life. Growing up with two sisters one older and one younger, and two brothers both younger he never worried about who he could play with.

This archived article was written by: Brianna Johnson

Originally from Salem, Utah, where he attended Spanish Fork High School, Riley Gordon is a pitcher on College of Eastern Utah men’s Baseball team.
Gordon has played baseball most of his life. His dad, although a wrestler in high school, taught him how to play at a young age. Not only would his dad be his first coach, but he would also be his role model for life. Growing up with two sisters one older and one younger, and two brothers both younger he never worried about who he could play with.
One of his most memorable games was during his junior year of high school. It was an 18-inning game, 13 of which Gordon was the pitcher. His team won the game at the last possible moment, during the final inning.
When pitching in another game during his senior year of high school, CEU’s baseball coach, Coach Scott Madsen, approached him. He handed Gordon an application, explaining that he would like him to come play for him. Gordon later received a call from Madsen, confirming his spot on the team.
Gordon believes that what Coach Madsen saw in him was how he works really hard, does the best he can, listens to his coaches and teammates, and doesn’t hold anything back. He always gives his all and this is what set him apart from the other players.
When he moved to Price, his first reaction was a positive one. “I really like it here, just because it’s the kind pf place you could drive your four-wheeler to school and park it on the grass. I wouldn’t want to live here, but for school it’s okay. I’m glad I came here. I could have gone somewhere else, this was the only place I wanted to play baseball though.”
Speaking of four-wheelers, Gordon is a huge fan of the outdoors. He enjoys hunting, fishing, four-wheeling, actually pretty much anything he can do outside.
When with friends, he likes to do anything that will “get us out of the house.” You’ll also find him playing Nintendo with the guys as well. He enjoys watching his three favorite movies with friends: Tommy Boy, 8 Seconds, and Dumb and Dumber.
Gordon enjoys eating any sort of Mexican food. His favorite place to do so is at Mi Rancherito located in Payson. His favorite ice cream is bubble-gum, “probably because of how much I love bubble-gum. Pez candy is really good too; I need to stop though, I have too many cavities,” he admits guiltily.
He drives a ’91 Chevy truck that only gets “about eight miles to the gallon, it sucks.” When driving, he tunes into the country music station. His golden lab, Drake, enjoys going for a drive with him whenever he is home.
Gordon served a LDS mission in Uruguay. He left Sept. 14, 2005 and came back September 2007. “I learned more in those two years than in my entire lifetime,” states a wise Gordon, “That has been one of my greatest accomplishments as well as playing college ball.”
He returned to CEU that fall semester to finish his degree and continue playing baseball. His cousin, Kaid Gordon also came to CEU that semester. They had always looked forward going to college together. “We’re best friends, it was our dream to play college baseball. Now we’re just here playin’ ball and enjoying life,” Gordon states.
CEU campus has treated him well. “I really like the people here, it’s been great meeting new people. I consider myself a pretty nice guy, laid-back type of person, I like everybody and don’t hate anyone.”
As Gordon has been playing for his coaches, he has formed this opinion of them: “I love my coaches, Scott, Frank, Dave and Chad, they’re awesome. They are more than my coaches; they’re my friends, too. They want to know what’s going on in my life and school, not just how I’m doing on the field. They always say ‘School first, then baseball.'”
When asked if he could play with a professional baseball player, whom would he choose, he promptly replied, “Derek Jeter, shortstop for the Yankee’s. My favorite baseball team is the Mets however, since I’m a blue fan.”
This weekend, CEU’s team is headed to Las Vegas, where they will play against the College of Southern Nevada. He believes this to be the hardest team to play.
Future plans for Gordon include graduating in May. He is waiting for more recruitment offers, but wants to go to UVSC [Utah Valley State College]. He is interested in becoming either a physical therapist, or a teacher, so long as he can coach baseball. He plans to continue playing baseball as far as he can, but is not interested in playing professionally. Ten years from now, Gordon sees himself married with three kids, holding down a good job, “one that I will look forward to everyday,” and have plenty of money.
Riley Gordon is “a friend to everyone.” So go out and meet him.