March 6, 2025

Morality and common sense

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another issue of the conservative corner and I am your radical right-winger here to balance the scales of politics.
Well we have done it; morality and common sense are victorious and maybe we can now resume our regularly scheduled lives.
We can all agree, republican or democrat, that the elections went smooth, fair and are over. Although millions of democrats aren’t happy with the outcome.

This archived article was written by: LeWayne Snow

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another issue of the conservative corner and I am your radical right-winger here to balance the scales of politics.
Well we have done it; morality and common sense are victorious and maybe we can now resume our regularly scheduled lives.
We can all agree, republican or democrat, that the elections went smooth, fair and are over. Although millions of democrats aren’t happy with the outcome.
It is obvious that our country isn’t as incompetent of knowing what’s best for them and dependent on the government to make all their decisions for them as Sen. John Kerry and the liberal democrats say we are.
Bush is back for four more years, republicans are now the majority of the senate and the house and it is obvious that people are seeing the light as so many of us already have; and making a change.
I do say though that it is time to warn the Republican Party to be wary of puffed up heads, after all, look what happened to the Democratic Party.
Don’t worry all you bleeding heart liberals, you still have all the rights to protest and thanks to the protection that Bush has maintained the right to try and impeach him.
The good thing is that all you doom and gloom whackos who think we’re all going to die because Bush is back, you better hurry and skip the border to Canada before they close the borders.
I must say that I have found some admiration for Sen. Kerry. It takes a lot out of a man to run for office but it takes a fair man to accept defeat as graciously and nobly as Kerry.
Thank God he wasn’t the sore Al Gore who acted like a childish brat. There was not a big mess like there was in 2000 and Kerry gave a great concession speech. Even if he probably didn’t mean it, you never know with that guy.
It was a proud day for America, and the people have spoken their choice. I can only thank the lord for protecting us from liberal judges who enforce the will of the few on those of the majority.
Let freedom ring and to this I say, upward and onward to a greater nation.