February 10, 2025

Library’s online calendar

The College of Eastern Utah Library has many resources for students, faculty, staff and their families to use and enjoy. An easy, quick and effective way to find out if the library has an item you are looking for is to use our electronic card catalog.
The link to the electronic card catalog is located on the CEU Library homepage at: www.ceu.edu/library/. To access the electronic catalog just click on the Library Online Catalog link located either in the left menu bar or directly on the page.

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw

The College of Eastern Utah Library has many resources for students, faculty, staff and their families to use and enjoy. An easy, quick and effective way to find out if the library has an item you are looking for is to use our electronic card catalog.
The link to the electronic card catalog is located on the CEU Library homepage at: www.ceu.edu/library/. To access the electronic catalog just click on the Library Online Catalog link located either in the left menu bar or directly on the page.
To use the catalog’s basic search option visitors must type in a subject keyword that interests you on the main search page of the catalog. To set up a detailed search click on the grey SEARCH tab at the top of this page. This will allow visitors to access the ADVANCED or POWER search option. When using the POWER or ADVANCED option you may search for an item by author, title, subject, series, general keywords or any combination of these options.
After a search has been completed a list will appear on the screen. If your search was specific enough, and if the library owns the item, one result will appear. By clicking on the title the user will find out where that item is located in the library.
However, visitors to the library often search the electronic card catalog using broad terms which may result in a list of possible options. In these situations it is necessary to scroll through the list to find the intended item. Reminder: Always check your spelling when using the card catalog.
The electronic listing of a library item will allow the user to locate that item in the library by providing information on the exact location of the requested item. The catalog will also inform the user if the item is checked out and if so, when the item is due back to the library. The College of Eastern Utah’s electronic card catalog also lists the library collections held in Blanding at the San Juan campus and at the Prehistoric Museum located in downtown Price.
If a visitor to the library wishes to use resources not housed here at the main campus it is possible to do an Inter-Agency Loan for items held at the San Juan Campus by returning to the CEU Library homepage and clicking on REQUEST FORMS from the side menu. An electronic request is then made for the item. In the case of items housed at the CEU Prehistoric Museum, the library staff will request users directly to the museum downtown to procure the needed item.
Please drop by the CEU Library if you have further questions on how to use this valuable resource.