February 10, 2025

CEU Library builds automotive information center for students

Under the direction of the automotive program director, Stan Martineau, assistance from our wonderful IT staff here at CEU and library funds from the college and state, the CEU Library has built a valuable and useful automotive reference information center. This is a practical yet exciting addition to the CEU Library as it will allow automotive students and the “weekend mechanic” access to current and time sensitive automotive repair and maintenance information at no cost.

This archived article was written by: Lori Brassaw

Under the direction of the automotive program director, Stan Martineau, assistance from our wonderful IT staff here at CEU and library funds from the college and state, the CEU Library has built a valuable and useful automotive reference information center. This is a practical yet exciting addition to the CEU Library as it will allow automotive students and the “weekend mechanic” access to current and time sensitive automotive repair and maintenance information at no cost.
Motor/All Data advertised as “the world’s most comprehensive resource for automotive diagnostic and repair information” and Snap-On Shop Key are two of the three automotive subscription databases available at the library. Both provide information on vehicle maintenance, repair, estimator, TBS and quotes. Users will need a current library card in order to access the databases. Access is limited to three simultaneous users and use must be done at the CEU Library on selected reference computers during regular operating hours.
In addition, another automotive database named the Automotive Repair Reference Center (ARRC) is accessible both on campus and off campus from any Internet connection. Access is via the library homepage at www.ceu.edu/library. Click Quick References and then On-Line Reference Sources from the library homepage or drop by the library for instruction. Users will need to have a CEU library card and password for remote use. ARRC is accessible at home for private non-commercial access.
In CD-ROM format the library has the Mitchell 1 Engine Performance and Wiring discs for library use and the Vintage Engine, Chassis & Electrical Discs. The library also has a collection of automotive information on microfiche as well as the more traditional book format. Please feel free to visit the library for assistance with the databases and other automotive materials available from the CEU Library.