February 23, 2025

Sports figures you really don’t want to be

We all idolize athletes, and perhaps if we had the chance, we would change places with them in an instant. Unfortunately for some athletes, we would not change places with them because of the situations they are in, or have been in. This list compiles the 10 sports figures that nobody would want to be.
10. Adam “Pacman” Jones


This archived article was written by: David Osborne Jr.

We all idolize athletes, and perhaps if we had the chance, we would change places with them in an instant. Unfortunately for some athletes, we would not change places with them because of the situations they are in, or have been in. This list compiles the 10 sports figures that nobody would want to be.
10. Adam “Pacman” Jones
Perhaps one of the greatest cornerbacks to ever step onto a football field was unable to stay away from the law. Being involved in a shooting, having assault charges placed on you and being charged with obstructing justice isn’t really good for your career. In fact the Dallas Cowboys just released him and their defense could definitely use him.
9. Plaxico Burress
This wide receiver from the New York Giants had an amazing 2007 Super Bowl. In fact during that Super Bowl, Burress caught the game-winning pass that gave the Giants the edge to beat the New England Patriots. After his amazing Super Bowl, Burress had a fall from grace when he shot himself in the leg at a nightclub. Burress was charged with criminal possession of a hand gun and was suspended from the Giants.
8. Tracy McGrady
What do you say about Tracy McGrady, other than the fact that he was supposed to be one of the greatest players coming straight out of high school? The look on his face says it all though- he is just sad. McGrady hasn’t been able to get out of the first round of the play-offs in his career and probably never will.
7. John Daly
Daly could easily be one of the most naturally talented golfers in the world. Daly is able to smack a golf ball a lot longer than most golfers and earned the nickname “Long John.” Unfortunately for Daly, he seems to have a problem in almost ever department that a golfer doesn’t want to have a problem. He is a heavy smoker and most times enjoys his booze a little too much the night before a big tournament.
6. Michael Phelps
Phelps won eight gold medals in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. If he wasn’t an American hero before he went to Beijing, he certainly came home one, that is until Phelps was caught doing things he wasn’t supposed to do. Phelps got caught using a bong. Because of this incident he lost some of his sponsors and was suspended from swimming competitively for three months.
5. Bill Gillispie
Kentucky is the home of college basketball and if you as the coach can’t send them to the Tournament in March, you are pretty much good as fired. Gillispie did just that, and even worse lost in the NIT Tournament. He has since been fired and will probably not find another job, because if you can’t succeed with a team like Kentucky, who will you be able to succeed with?
4. Alex Rodriguez
A-Rod, A-Roid, or Mr. May, you can take your pick at what nickname Rodriguez gets. Not only has Rodriguez recently told the world that he has been using performance enhancing drugs, but also had a crazy summer in 2008, when he and his wife split up because he was hanging out with Madonna. I don’t know which is worse, splitting up with your wife for a singer that is trying to make a comeback, or admitting that you have been taking steroids.
3. Phil Mickelson
Not much to say about Mickelson other than he doesn’t have much to look forward to besides seeing his name stay in the number-two slot behind the best golfer. Tiger Woods is now prepared after a win at Bay Hill to keep showing Mickelson why he will stay in the number two position and never pass Woods up. It has to be depressing knowing that you will always be number two.
2. Barry Bonds & Roger Clemens
These two Hall of Fame shoe-ins have probably ruined their chances at a spot in Cooperstown. After two amazing careers, these athletes were put in a place of turmoil, although they both say that they didn’t take the steroids consciously. Maybe they should both worry more about the publics’ opinion of them instead of their chances at getting in the Hall of Fame.
1. Michael Vick
Vick could have been one of the greatest quarterbacks in the NFL if he hadn’t blown it by allowing a dog fighting ring to be on his property. Vick is now serving his last six months in prison, but is anybody going to let him play football again? Who knows ,maybe the Detroit Lions should sign a deal with him. Even if the didn’t win any games it would keep their attendance up.
There you have it, 10 athletes that you would not trade places with. As we can see, athletes really are humans, well at least some of them are and they even make mistakes like normal human beings. These athletes have had amazing careers, and some of their careers continue today but will always be remembered for their blunders, short comings and other things that make you glad that you are not them.