A bit of advice with your paper
So, here it is- my final goodbye to CEU. If you don’t think you know me, you’ve probably at least seen me around in the residence halls, taking your order at the cafeteria or the Golden Grille, or hunting down a story for the newspaper. I do a lot, but back to the basics.

This archived article was written by: Kellie Henderson
So, here it is- my final goodbye to CEU. If you don’t think you know me, you’ve probably at least seen me around in the residence halls, taking your order at the cafeteria or the Golden Grille, or hunting down a story for the newspaper. I do a lot, but back to the basics.
It’s funny how life can come at you from behind. Honestly, a year ago I was aching to get out of here – Price, CEU, Utah, the whole bit. Not that I’m unprepared for the great wide open, but when I pack up my things and make the final drive through the spring-tinged canyon, I will definitely spend some time looking out my rear window.
When I first arrived in Carbon County, Price was a conundrum. I was caught between the exquisite beauty of the landscape and my longing for the big (or just a bigger) city. I had never lived in a town where Walmart wasn’t open 24/7 and where most venues close before 9 p.m. That aside, my first year wasn’t the best freshman year on record and I mostly kept to myself with the excuse “I’m too shy for such and such person or activity.” Still, I learned that I loved living in a dorm, despite my hermit tendencies, and that Kundalini Yoga with Tayraa Singh was my favorite thing in the world. Visiting the old folks at Parkdale care center was fun too, with kind old ladies and an old man who joked about being hit by a car and breaking his hip, the reason for his stay at the center, being the highlight.
My sophomore year was when college actually started to be fun! I scored a job as a Resident Assistant (or Advisor, depending on who you ask) in Aaron Jones and the position of editor-in-chief at the good ol’ Eagle newspaper, shaking in my boots the first few weeks. I’ve never chanted “I can do this, I can do this” to myself so many times.
I grew a lot through both positions, despite my apprehension. After doing check-ins, I realized that I couldn’t really humiliate myself more, since I had already checked people into their rooms and ran off with their keys and took five minutes to find their hallway lights, so I didn’t have much to worry about. After meeting the out-of-this-world cool Eagle staff (and a few familiar faces), I figured they probably would still like me even if I completely sucked as an editor. I was still a little unsure of myself, but I was beginning to enjoy the ride.
If it’s not too cliché, I’d like to leave you all with some advice. First- If you live in the residence halls, get to know your RA’s. We took this job because we want to help you out and actually care about you and your life, so it’s really just a win-win situation for everyone involved. It’s also a plus to have a friendly face involved if you find yourself in a less-than-glamorous situation (Do not play with scalpels. You have been warned.) Second- Even though you may be trying to be a good citizen by emptying out the full cans of beer laying around the garbage so nobody would snag them, remember to take into account that beer is a carbonated beverage and is liable to spray its content all over you and leave you reeking of alcohol, which looks really bad if you’re an RA and wearing your residential life t-shirt. Not that I speak from experience or anything …
Third, get to know Susan and the rest of the Eagle staff. I can’t vouch for the kids next year, but generally the newspaper attracts some pretty awesome characters. At any rate, it’s not a good idea to make the staff angry because we can find ways back at you that are protected by the constitution, not to be threatening or anything.
Fourth, while the caf may not be the hippest place to hang, the workers are just all-around funny and welcoming people. It’s not a bad place to work, either, if I do say so myself. Lastly, being involved on CEUSA, as an ambassador or RA or SUN center leader will make life better, and I can vouch for that. There are very few schools where even a small leadership position can make such an impact and shape what goes on in such a big way.
While it’s hard to believe, it’s time to say goodbye to a place I’ve grown to love so much. It’s time to hand in my key to my second home, the eagle staff office, and to move my belongings out of AJ for the last time. I don’t even feel like the same person, the girl who once laid out near the water fountain, wondering how she landed in a place so different from home. Still, all the unforgettable people, experiences, knowledge and gifts (both internal and external) I’ve received from this school don’t come free. If the ache in my heart and some painful goodbyes are the price I have to pay for a place that’s wound its way into my mind and heart, then I’m grateful to pay it.