October 18, 2024

EU goes .500 in two weeks of games


This archived article was written by: Riley Spears

Really needing a series win, CEU faced the number-16th team in the NJCAA, and the first place team in the conference. CEU stuck with Western Nevada throughout the series but could not put a whole game together to get a win. They then faced Colorado Northwestern Community College in Price and finally got the four wins they desperately needed.
In the first game against Western, CEU started off behind, giving up a run in the first inning. The game was then at a stand still until the fourth when WNCC scored two more runs giving them the three run lead.
Finally in the sixth, CEU put some runs on the board with Josh Sturges scoring on a Eric Morgan ground out, and Mitch More scored on a Brett Nighbor single. WNCC also put two runs in the 6th keeping their three run lead. CEU was unable to get the three runs needed to keep the game going in the seventh. They only got one run and the game ended. CEU lost the game 5-3.
WNCC started off the next game in the lead by scoring four runs in the first and one in the second. In the fourth CEU got one back scoring with Eric Morgan scoring on a Trever Thompson fielders choice. CEU scored one more in the fifth bringing Chad Himmer to the plate with a Devin Bybee single. After that, nobody scored in the game and the 16th team in the nation got another win, 5-2.
The next day CEU hoped they could get a win before heading home. They started off the game getting two quick runs in the first. With Morgan hitting a two- run homer. WNCC scored one in the first and CEU was looking at their first lead of the weekend. In the third, the bats came back alive with CEU scoring three. Justin Williams scored for the second time of the game on a Nigbur double. Morgan then scored on a wild pitch, and Thompson got his second RBI of the weekend scoring Nigbur. WNCC scored three in the inning, and tied up the game. WNCC scored one more in the fifth proving to be the game-winning run. WNCC won the game 6-5.
With one more chance against WNCC, CEU started off by scoring three runs in the first inning. Bryson Griffin scored on a Eric Morgan single. Dakotah Phillips brought in two by scoring Dusty Facrell, and Kevin Nay. CEU added one more in the second with another Eric Morgan homerun his second of the weekend. In the third WNCC scored two runs giving CEU the lead by two. In the fourth CEU got one more with Griffin getting a sacrifice fly scoring Beau Bufton. WNCC scored three in the inning tying the game at five. WNCC scored one more in the fifth giving them the one point win. CEU ended up loosing 6-5.
After the tough weekend against WNCC, CEU started thinking about CNCC. CEU knew they had a good chance of sweeping CNCC, and that would be just what the team needed right now.
In the first game CEU came out hitting just like in Nevada. The Eagles put two runs in the first inning with Nigbur hitting a two- run bomb bringing in Morgan. The game quieted down until the fourth when CEU put one more on the board with Morgan singling and bringing in Josh Sturges. EU got the much needed first win three to zero. Jesse Hartle pitched an amazing game giving up only one hit in seven innings and just missing a no-hitter.
After that much needed win, CEU wanted to keep the mo-jo going and they did just that in the second when they got two more with Bufton hitting a triple bringing in Tyler Tuft, Sturges also got an RBI hitting a single and bringing in Bufton. In the fifth, Bufton kept up his strong hitting bringing in two on a single. In the sixth, EU put on a hitting clinic scoring five runs. CEU got their second win in a row beating CNCC 9-1.
In the third game CEU kept hitting the ball well scoring two in the first with Nigbur doubling and scoring two. In the fifth the Eagles tacked on one more with Nigbur scoring on a Fackrell single. CEU got the third win in a row 3-1.
CEU won the last game 4-0 the stats were not available by press time.
CEU played a great weekend all around with the pitchers giving up only 10 hits and two runs. The hitters for CEU got 29 hits, and the field only got one error.
CEU will round out the season going to Salt Lake on April 17th and 18th, April 24th and 25th they will host CSN. The EU baseball team heads into a critical weekend against SLCC. EU sits in 4th place, three games behind Salt Lake CC. Their last conference game will be at the College of Southern Idaho on May 1 and 2. On May 6 through 9 the SWAC Conference tourney will be played in a place to be announced.