March 6, 2025

Not all tea parties are as sweet as they may seem

Talking about politics is a good way to start an argument because, no matter how well you express your opinions someone will always disagree. Even democrats and republicans can’t have a good debate anymore, all they can do is argue.
Each of the political parties has ups and downs. If you read the news or watch any news program you’ll see the fringe elements of both parties. What I want to talk about isn’t the political parties themselves and though there is plenty to talk about, I will talk about a certain right wing group of radicals known as the Tea Party.


This archived article was written by: Cassidy Scovill

Talking about politics is a good way to start an argument because, no matter how well you express your opinions someone will always disagree. Even democrats and republicans can’t have a good debate anymore, all they can do is argue.
Each of the political parties has ups and downs. If you read the news or watch any news program you’ll see the fringe elements of both parties. What I want to talk about isn’t the political parties themselves and though there is plenty to talk about, I will talk about a certain right wing group of radicals known as the Tea Party.
One of this group’s first organizers was Mary Rakovich an activist for FreedomWorks. FreedomWorks often ships protesters to various cities and providing them with information packets. FreedomWorks is also indirectly responsible for the town hall meetings, by democratic senators, getting interrupted. Freedom work is a group headed by Dick Armey the former House Majority leader, and the group is dedicated to a conservative economic view.
The Tea Party protests started because of the stimulus package President Barack Obama was putting into motion. The stimulus was a way for the government to directly influence the economy. The Tea Party viewed this as the government having too much control and claimed it would place America in a massive debt that our children would be paying off. They are almost entirely comprised of older republicans.
Now that we got our history lesson in, we can get what makes the Tea Party so special. Let’s start off with what they used to call themselves, the Tea Baggers. Not only did they not realize the negative aspects of that name when the protests started, they recently changed their name. The fact that they continued to call themselves Tea Baggers for as long as they did should give you an example of the people involved.
The real reason why the Tea Party is such a great source for the media happens to be the amusing signs they bring. The amount of spelling errors on even the most basic words such as: “speach”, “aweful”, and “govement”. Now if this was a elementary school children’s homework they should feel bad, but these people are adults. These people literally took time and effort to draw out large letters in large amusing font and still managed to misspell them.
The real problem is the offensive signs, and while most of the signs might be your cute “Don’t Tax me Bro” signs. Some of these signs call Obama a monkey which can’t be anything other than racist. Other signs claim the president himself is the racist and he has it out for white people. Signs picturing Obama with a mustache in full Nazi uniform comparing him to Adolf Hitler. These in particular seem to be popular at almost every tea party protest, and no one seems to have a problem with it.
I’m not against people speaking their mind, and I’m always for people utilizing their First Amendment rights. It’s the racism, and the violence that I don’t agree with and nobody in their right minds would agree with it. If you can’t express your issues without resorting to racism or comparing someone to Hitler than maybe the real issue isn’t the government.