CEU library participates in state-wide “Snapshot” event
On April 12, 2010, the entire library community across the beehive state — academic, public, bookmobiles, school, and special libraries – participated in a program called, “Snapshot 2010 one day in the life of Utah libraries.”
Throughout the state of Utah, libraries were invited to record with stories, photographs, and statistics the indisputable proof that libraries consistently provide invaluable services to the community. Systems/Cataloging Librarian, Sherill Shaw, headed CEU’s participation in this event.

On April 12, 2010, the entire library community across the beehive state — academic, public, bookmobiles, school, and special libraries – participated in a program called, “Snapshot 2010 one day in the life of Utah libraries.”
Throughout the state of Utah, libraries were invited to record with stories, photographs, and statistics the indisputable proof that libraries consistently provide invaluable services to the community. Systems/Cataloging Librarian, Sherill Shaw, headed CEU’s participation in this event.
On April 12, visitors to the CEU Library were greeted by a student worker who passed out a brief library survey. Throughout the day several pictures or “snapshots” were taken in the library. Visitor’s signed a photo release form in order to have their picture taken for this program.
Cool pictures of this library activity will be available after April 12, 2010 at: Utah Libraries Snapshot 2010 flicker set and after April 24 on the SNAPSHOT Results webpage: utahlibrariessnapshot.pbworks.com/Results