February 27, 2025

Students go RApping

While most students used fall break to get a much needed rest from classes, three of USU-CEU’S resident advisors represented the college at the annual AIMHO RAppin’ conference at the University of Wyoming in Laramie.The Association of Intermountain Housing Officers is a regional organiza-tion that represents college and university housing offices in states from New Mexico and Arizona up through the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, including Utah. “The RAppin’ conference is a chance for RAs from many different schools to hear about and share ideas that are happening on different campuses,” said John Michael Haky, residential life and student conduct coordinator, who accompanied the RAs to the conference.In addition to hearing from RAs on other campuses, USU-CEU RAs, Elcio Dutra, Hannah Lartey and Janet Lowe highlighted one of many programs that have taken place in the residence halls this year. In front of a crowd of 40 other RAs, the trio talked about organizing community-building programs on a rural community college campus. “We thought that since many of the activities we have done here on campus with the great-est turnout were food related, we figured we should let other schools know about it, too,” Lartey said.However, RAppin’ wasn’t all work and no play. “I enjoyed the social network-ing,” Lowe said. “All the RAs from other schools were so great to talk to and share experiences with.” A dance party, laser tag, a movie screening and a bingo night were just some of the opportunities of the nightly activities that were available to those in at-tendance. For Dutra, one of the highlights was the Swap Shop, which allowed the RAs to exchange items like T-shirts and lanyards; Dutra, Lartey and Lowe all walked away with some “sweet new T-shirts.”With next year’s RAppin’ conference hosted at BYU, Haky hopes that more RAs will have the opportunity to attend. “Students living the residence halls this year have had the opportunity to be part of a lot of really good activities in the halls, and next year’s conference will give us the chance to show off some of those activities, while picking up some new tricks.