February 23, 2025

Herzog takes helm of SS reorganization

A number of heart-wrenching moments came with the edict that student services be restructured in October.
Dr. Alex Herzog, associate vice chancellor for student services, drawing from his experiences as a senator and treasurer at Adirondack Community College, advisor at both Yavapai College and Southern Utah University, and having worked closely with the student government at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, is filling in as student government advisor until a permanent director can be appointed.

This archived article was written by: Seth Richards

A number of heart-wrenching moments came with the edict that student services be restructured in October.
Dr. Alex Herzog, associate vice chancellor for student services, drawing from his experiences as a senator and treasurer at Adirondack Community College, advisor at both Yavapai College and Southern Utah University, and having worked closely with the student government at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, is filling in as student government advisor until a permanent director can be appointed.
Among the changes that took place in the restructuring of student services and enrollment services, previously under the direct direction of Dr. Greg Benson, vice chancellor for academic and student services, was put under the departments under the purview of Herzog.
In an effort to start a more data-driven recruiting process, Terry Johnson, recruitor; and intern, Kameron Perkins; with whom he worked in enrollment services, will be replaced by two full-time recruiters. Johnson will eventually move to SUN Center director.
Enrollment management positions were advertised at both the state and national levels. Herzog hopes to have some of the applicants present at an open forum in February so faculty, staff and students can interview and meet them.
He hopes to have the positions filled by March.