January 23, 2025

Tandy toothpaste

This archived article was written by: Abigail Ericson & Joy Malone

For this week’s sports feature, we decided to take a slightly different approach than a traditional interview. This week’s athlete is Tandy Thackeray, member of the USU-Eastern women’s basketball team, but instead of sitting down and interviewing her, we thought we would delve into the online world and find everything there is to know about Thackeray via the popular social networking site; Facebook. Luckily, we are both skilled in the art of Facebook “stalking,” so the task did not prove to be too difficult. Our skills revealed to us a great wealth of information about our subject. This is what we found.
Thackeray was born on July 11, 1993. She grew up in Etna, California- population 736. She graduated from Etna High School in 2011, and now finds herself at USU-Eastern. Her “about me” section reads, “I am at USU-Eastern playing basketball. I love sports, athletics in general, pretty much anything active. End of story!” Using high-level skills of presumption, we concluded that sports are extremely important to Thackeray. According to this statement, they are, in fact, the only thing that matters.
However, we believe she seemed to have left out something important. Thackeray has five siblings, and many of her posts are filled with comments from these siblings and her parents. One status update exclaims, “I love my mommy!” and another reads, “I love my bestest brother Mitch!” After perusing through many photo albums, we found hundreds of pictures of Thackeray with her family. One album contains photos of Thackeray surrounded by family members, all wearing home-made T-shirts, supporting her and the USU-Eastern basketball team. She appears to be a part of a close, loving family and although her “about me” doesn’t include a statement about her family, the love she has for them is evident.
Apparently, Thackeray loves quotes. From scrolling down through her timeline, we found several inspirational messages posted by Thackeray. Her favorite quotation is, “The things worth having do not come easy!” Another quote reads, “Every situation in life can be handled with a good plan.” From this information, we deduced that Thackeray is insightful and wise.
Thackeray recently added her 866th friend on Facebook. Who might this special person be? Thackeray’s newest friend is The Eagle staff’s KC Smurthwaite. Not only does she have many friends, but many pictures as well. She has several photo albums, all filled with tons of pictures documenting the fun she has in her everyday life. Her latest album, “the.next.chapter”, includes 263 pictures exclusively from her time at USU-Eastern. She seems to be incredibly fun loving and cool.
Although there are a lot of pictures on Thackeray’s page, one stood out among the rest. Instead of describing to you readers what it looked like, we decided to do you all a favor and merely include it in the article for all to see. Here it is:
Thackeray definitely seems to get pleasure from the simple things in life. Watch out, Tandy Toothpaste just may be the next big thing.