January 22, 2025

Top-10 reasons why you should support Matt Gochis as student body president

1. He already has his associate’s degree- If you’re going to elect a leader, that person should be someone who sets an example for others to follow. Being at a junior college, everybody is trying to get an associate’s degree; why not elect someone who has already been there? He knows what you’re going through and can help you.


This archived article was written by: Kyle VanAmen

1. He already has his associate’s degree- If you’re going to elect a leader, that person should be someone who sets an example for others to follow. Being at a junior college, everybody is trying to get an associate’s degree; why not elect someone who has already been there? He knows what you’re going through and can help you.
2. He supports all sports- With athletics being one of the things that can identify a school, it is vital to keep athletics around and give them support. Athletics can also bring revenue for a school which is always a good thing. As an athlete himself, Gochis sees the need to give athletics the support they need. So vote for him.
3. He is the most interesting student in the world- He lives an amazing life that can only be described as awesome. His words carry weight that would break a lesser man’s jaw. When in Rome, they do as he does. He also bowls overhand. He is the most interesting student in the world.
4. He can relate to all students- Gochis has lived on and off campus. He already has his associates and is working on getting his bachelor’s degree. He attends school events. He is a student-athlete. What more do you want?
5. He is a well-rounded candidate- Being an athlete and a student, he supports athletics and education.
6. He is personable- If you haven’t met Gochis you really should. Talk about an awesome kid! He has a fun loving personality that can’t be beat.
He’s not a preppy school kid who is just doing this for a college application; he really cares about this school and the students.
7. He cares about this college- Having played baseball for this college, he has a sense of pride. He wants to take care of this school and make it better for every student. He wants to change things for the better that will benefit all students.
8. He will listen to student’s complaints- If you got a complaint send it Gochis’ way and he will take care of it. He will listen to every person’s complaint no matter how small. Name one-elected official that can do that?
9. He has a awesome haircut- Ever seen a “Bro Hawk” its BA. His hair show off is personality which we learned is awesome! Great hair See Top Ten page
3 3means is a must if your going to represent the student body.
10. He would be the first student-athlete to be president at Eastern- I know Matt personally and I can tell you that he is the perfect student-athlete to take the job. He breaks the mold that EUSA has set for student leaders. It is time for a change.