March 4, 2025

Diversity night featured Hispanic Heritage

USU Eastern’s Hispanic Heritage Night started with soccer on the Reeves Building quad. At first there wasn’t enough people to play, but slowly more people joined. Two teams were created and an hour-long soccer game was played.
Then Zumba, a Latin-dancing infused workout program, began in the SAC Ballroom, instructed by Jerri Timothy.

USU Eastern’s Hispanic Heritage Night started with soccer on the Reeves Building quad. At first there wasn’t enough people to play, but slowly more people joined. Two teams were created and an hour-long soccer game was played.
Then Zumba, a Latin-dancing infused workout program, began in the SAC Ballroom, instructed by Jerri Timothy.
At 7 p.m., James Morales, vice president of student services, spoke to the USU Eastern community, promoting moral diversity for all races and not just Hispanics. He talked about how it’s important that we are all diverse in everything that we do and that diversity is much more than race or ethnicity. He encouraged the audience to be diverse in all aspects of their lives from education, talents, residency and everyday activities. He stressed the importance of getting to know yourself before you can get to know other people. He recommended working on becoming a diverse people and share our individual diversity with the world.
Dinner was a typical Hispanic meal of enchiladas, rice, beans, chips and salsa, salad and churros. Everyone in attendance seemed to enjoy the meal, proved when the food was gone while people were still in line to get dinner.
While eating, Elias Perez, associate professor – engineering drafting & design technology, sang, followed by a Chilean group performing a collaboration of South American music. They joined Perez and performed together to finish the night.
Student government will host diversity nights every month, focusing on different cultures.