March 4, 2025

Housing policies similar to main campus

Since the merge with Utah State University, students at USU-Eastern have concern with the differences in policies with residential life of the main campus in Logan and campus in Price. They are concerned that if Eastern is a part of USU system, the school should also have the same policies and procedures pertaining to on-campus housing. There are a few differences, but there are more similarities if anything.

This archived article was written by: Shadayah Jones

Since the merge with Utah State University, students at USU-Eastern have concern with the differences in policies with residential life of the main campus in Logan and campus in Price. They are concerned that if Eastern is a part of USU system, the school should also have the same policies and procedures pertaining to on-campus housing. There are a few differences, but there are more similarities if anything.
First the deposit and processing fee is the same at USU. They have a $50 processing fee that is non-refundable and a $100 deposit fee that is refundable when the contract is up, like Eastern.
They do have a smoking policy like Eastern. USU states that no one can smoke within 25 feet of any building door, window, or air intake system. Also the cigarettes must be disposed of properly. If not it can result in a $299 fine.
There is absolutely no alcohol allowed on both campuses. USU prohibits possession, consumption, sale, distribution, or storage of and alcoholic beverage, including beer on university property regardless of age. After the third offense, even if a resident is over the age of 21, it will result in the eviction of housing. Drugs are also prohibited and after a second offense will result in an eviction of housing.
Like Eastern, USU also has a guest policy. Guests of the same sex are allowed to stay, but no more than three-consecutive nights. Before staying, the guest must get permission a school personnel prior to the visit. Also before a guest can stay, the resident must get approval from their roommates.
Both campuses also have quiet hours and they are the same. Sunday thru Thursday is 10 p.m.-8 a.m., Friday and Saturday are midnight to 8 a.m. Radios, television, stereos, vacuums, pianos, etc., are not allowed to be too loud during this time. Also any loud behavior such as jumping, pounding, screaming are not allowed during this time. Throughout finals week 24-hour quiet hours are in effect. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a $50 fine.
Something that has caused much conflict is the winter break fee. When a resident wants to stay for winter break at Eastern, they must pay more money to do so. It is about $300 extra to stay on campus because there are limited staff members on campus during the break. At USU Logan there is no fee to stay, but they do have to register their keys before the last day of finals.
The issue concerning pets is different between each campus. At Eastern, no animals are allowed. At USU, any animal besides a fish are prohibited and the fish must be in an aquarium in order to be allowed.
Visitation hours are another issue that causes conflict. Eastern does have visitation hours which are 8 a.m. to midnight. Any guest of the opposite sex must leave the rooms before midnight. If they are caught in a room with the opposite gender after midnight, it can result in a fine. USU Logan does not have any visitation hours. They just ask that quiet hours are followed. Also the front doors to the halls are open for any visitors, but they are locked at 10 p.m. of weekdays and 11 p.m. of weekends. Visitation hours at USU-Eastern are not there to make rules, but for the comfort and safety for the students. The doors to the resident halls are locked and the only way to get in is a key. This will provide a safer environment for the students and ensure that they are taken care of. Also all students are required to leave a room with the opposite sex at midnight for the comfort of everyone in the hall.
To stay at USU it costs about $1,575 for a shared room, $1,950 for a small private room, and $2,050 for a large private room each semester. With these rooms there is also a minimum meal plan required of $900. At eastern, the prices are different depending on where you want to stay. Aaron Jones’ suite is about $900; a deluxe suite is $1,000. These require a $999 meal plan. For a cooking suite it is $1,200 with a minimum $299 Meal plan.
Burtenshaw is $960 for a single semester, Sessions is about $840 a semester, and requires a $999 meal plan. Tucker, which is a cooking hall, is $1,475 a semester and requires a $299 meal plan.
Some students may think that Eastern does not go by USU rules when it comes to residential life, but in reality they are almost the exact same. Most of the policies and procedures are the same and result in the same consequences if they are violated.