March 13, 2025

Angels Up for Adoption

SUN Center’s Angel Tree still contains several untaken angels. The Angel Tree is located in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center next to the multi-purpose room. Angel Tree is a program run through United Way, to help less fortunate families have a good Christmas.


This archived article was written by: Shanna Frame

SUN Center’s Angel Tree still contains several untaken angels. The Angel Tree is located in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center next to the multi-purpose room. Angel Tree is a program run through United Way, to help less fortunate families have a good Christmas.
The tree is decorated with colorful angel cutouts. On the back of each angel is the gender and age of a child, and one of the items they asked for is listed. Many of the children ask for clothes or books out of necessity. Many of the children only ask for one or two special items out of the six that they are allowed to ask for when they apply.
Those who would like to take an angel may pick one up in the JLSC. They will need to sign their name and give their contact information along with the number assigned to their angel. All angels and their gifts need to be taken to the SUN Center by Thursday Dec. 6th.
Besides the Angel Tree promotion, upcoming SUN Center events include: Green Team, every Friday from 10-11 a.m.; Kids @ Heart, every Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30 a.m-12:45 p.m.; Habitat for Humanity, every Thursday, 5:30-7 p.m.; for more information on upcoming events and to sign-up, visit the SUN Center on the second floor of the Jennifer Levitt Student Center or call 435-613-5284.
SUN Center advisor, Terry Johnson said, “We most likely have a project that interests you, so we look forward to receiving a call and seeing you in the SUN Center soon.”