March 13, 2025

On the subject of states leaving the Union

In light of the fervor over the most recent presidential election, petitions have been drawn up requesting the president elect and executive administration consider letting any state able to acquire 25,000 digital signatures by Dec. 11, to secede from the union.
The petitions, available at, offer the states peaceful withdrawal from the union, as per the mandate in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence and the right of the governed to abolish and create a new government if the current powers infringe on human rights.

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This archived article was written by: Seth Richards

In light of the fervor over the most recent presidential election, petitions have been drawn up requesting the president elect and executive administration consider letting any state able to acquire 25,000 digital signatures by Dec. 11, to secede from the union.
The petitions, available at, offer the states peaceful withdrawal from the union, as per the mandate in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence and the right of the governed to abolish and create a new government if the current powers infringe on human rights.
As of Dec. 4, seven states had enough signatures to merit being considered for secession including Texas, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee. South Carolina, the state closest to 25,000 was 325 signatures short, while the state of Texas had more than 118,000. The state of Utah had 8,423 digital signatures.
The United States has devolved from the antics of Washington and Adams. The transition of power has become so messy that states would request independence before being subject to another four years of the Obama administration. The individuals who wrote the petitions have an admirable revolutionary spirit, but they seem to forget that no government would relinquish power over states occupied in a manner other than militarily.
Last time the states saw fit to revolt, 620,000 people died in the war of northern aggression. More than 20,000 people have been killed in the current civil war in Syria. The Southern Sudanese civil war may have caused as many as 5,000 casualties in the last year.
I would request that anyone favoring secession from the Union determine the price they are willing to pay for that liberty before signing the petition for independence. If revolution still seems favorable, then please sign for the Republic of Utah. The state needs a little over 9,000 more signatures to join the seven. read.