March 13, 2025

The Eagle’s top-ten stories of 2012

After much contemplation, research and realizing that remarkably few events transpire in Price, USA, the Eagle staff has chosen 10 articles as the top-ten pieces of news for 2012.
10. Gochis Victorious in Election- article by Emily Williams. Of the many things that did not take place this year at USUE, the election of an executive staff was one of them. Matt Gochis, student body president, Pete Yakovich, executive VP and Beth Liddell, activities VP all ran uncontested for student body presidency. (Lidell resigned over the summer and was replaced with Emily Willliams.)

This archived article was written by: Seth Richards

After much contemplation, research and realizing that remarkably few events transpire in Price, USA, the Eagle staff has chosen 10 articles as the top-ten pieces of news for 2012.
10. Gochis Victorious in Election- article by Emily Williams. Of the many things that did not take place this year at USUE, the election of an executive staff was one of them. Matt Gochis, student body president, Pete Yakovich, executive VP and Beth Liddell, activities VP all ran uncontested for student body presidency. (Lidell resigned over the summer and was replaced with Emily Willliams.)
9. USU Eastern Campus in State of Near Lockdown- article by Seth Richards. Shots were fired near campus and people were told to be careful while outdoors. Nobody was hurt and there was no Code Blue warning, but rumors spread until there was a team of gunmen shooting up the campus.
8. Do Good Always-article by Karli Morris. After 27 years of building the SUN Center, Kathy Murray decided to retire when student services was restructured. Murray inspired a generation with her indomitable pioneer spirit and mantra, “do good always.”
7. USU Eastern Hires New Head Coach for Men’s Basketball Team- article by KC Smurthwaite. Coach Adjalma Vanderlei “Vando” Becheli Jr., from Brazil, was hired in April to replace the late Coach Brad Barton.
6. Student Hit in Front of Jennifer Leavitt Student Center- article by Seth Richards. On December 13, 2011, Santana Tunney, 19, of New Mexico was hit by a car in front of the JLSC by a local driver.
5. The Purge of Utah State University System- article by Seth Richards. For not paying tuition on time, more than 500 students were dropped from classes on the USU campuses.
4. Eastern Adds New Cadaver- article by Karli Morris. A 94-year-old dead woman was brought to USUE by Dr. Tyson Chappell in February, on loan from the University of Utah. The college now has two dead people for the biology classes to pick apart.
3. Day of Caring Brought out the Best Amongst the USU Eastern Community- article by Ashley Stilson. The United Way’s Day of Caring on Sept. 8 attracted 740 volunteers for 3,000 volunteer hours. Much of the work, done by USUE volunteers, was done to improve the city parks.
2. Student Saves Life in Canyon- article by Karli Morris. On Dec. 3, 2011 Kyle VanAmen stopped on Highway 6, to help a person out of a vehicle, which had rolled. VanAmen proved that there are those among us who will do the right thing in a situation where the rest of us might drive past.
1. Eastern Students Save Man’s Life- article by Nate Manley. About 10 miles from Salina on Feb. 24, Max Fletcher and Logan Leaming followed the example of VanAmen when they stopped to help a rollover victim out of his car.