February 23, 2025


Thumbs up to the new sign on the corner of campus. It looks awesome and it’s the perfect way to represent how wonderful this school really is.
Thumbs up for all of the awesome teachers here on our campus. USU Eastern has some of the coolest teachers ever. They pay attention to who we are and actually care if we are doing well in their class or not. Also thumbs up for teachers who work with their students to help them get the best grade possible. USU Eastern teachers rock!

This archived article was written by: By The Ambasadors

Thumbs up to the new sign on the corner of campus. It looks awesome and it’s the perfect way to represent how wonderful this school really is.
Thumbs up for all of the awesome teachers here on our campus. USU Eastern has some of the coolest teachers ever. They pay attention to who we are and actually care if we are doing well in their class or not. Also thumbs up for teachers who work with their students to help them get the best grade possible. USU Eastern teachers rock!
Thumbs up for our small campus. Walking in the cold to get to our classes isn’t so bad thanks to how close together the buildings are on campus. So a definite thumbs up to not having to walk miles in the freezing cold to get to classes.
Thumbs up to all of the original and exciting activities EUSA has put on so far. It is awesome that on any given night there is always something amazing going on around campus! Way to go EUSA!
Thumbs up to the world not ending in 2012!
Thumbs up to the new Spring 2013 Semester. Hooray for new classes, grades, opportunities, people and experiences. This will be a great semester.
Thumbs Down to all the CEU apparel being seen around campus. We are USU Eastern now not CEU and it’s time that we all fully support the change! We are in an identity crisis here at USU Eastern and to solve this problem all of the student body and staff need to get on board with our new name and essentially the new school. No more CEU apparel.
Thumbs down to icy paths all over campus. For those of us who are slightly less coordinated, ice on the sidewalks makes it rather difficult for us to get to classes without bruising our bums and scraping our elbows.
Thumbs down to not enough support for the women and men’s basketball teams. We have a great group of women and men representing USU Eastern and kicking some serious butt out there on the basketball court and they need our support. So come on student body, put on your blue and gold and get out there to cheer for our awesome sports teams. Those women and men work hard to represent our school and they need our support!