March 13, 2025

Benefitting more than just those in need

When starting as a new student at USU Eastern, I was a little out of my element.  I was not going to come here at first and didn’t really know too many people and didn’t have many friends.  With a stroke of luck, I signed up for a class that  I was not supposed to be in…the leadership perspectives class.  


This archived article was written by: Jordan Sanders

When starting as a new student at USU Eastern, I was a little out of my element.  I was not going to come here at first and didn’t really know too many people and didn’t have many friends.  With a stroke of luck, I signed up for a class that  I was not supposed to be in…the leadership perspectives class.  
I read about it online while I was registering and it sounded interesting.  Little did I know that it was meant to be a class for the leadership on campus.  The first day of class, I was asked which leadership group I was a part of…I didn’t happen to be a part of one, so it was a little awkward for everyone. Thank goodness Austin Ashcraft and a few other awesome SUN Center leaders took me under their wing and gave me a leadership position.  That was the start of something incredible.
As I started brainstorming for projects, I realized that I could create projects using my passion for music.  Thus, the benefit concerts at USU Eastern were born.  What could be better than doing something I love while raising money for others in need?  I submit that nothing could be.  It has been an incredible experience.  Not only have I had the opportunity to get to know incredible people and raise money for good causes, but I have also improved my talents and enjoyed the thrill of performing my music.  
This is my third and final semester organizing benefit concerts here at USU Eastern, and enjoyed every single one of them.  I have tried to have as many different students perform as possible to make a variety in my shows, and it has been amazing to see how many talented people there are on our campus.  Many of those who have performed with me have later thanked me for giving them the chance to be a part of such a good cause.  Some thanked me for helping them to break out of their shell in the performing realm.  These concerts have been a benefit for all of those involved: the performers, the audience and the recipients of the donations.  It has also been an exciting part of the college experience, bringing a new activity to campus that has improved the diversity at USU Eastern.  
I am just grateful that I have been a part of it all, because I feel that I have received just as much out of it as all others involved.  I have also learned a valuable lesson; I’ve learned that when you serve others and get involved in a good cause, you are much happier and it brings success in other parts of your life.  I have lived on both sides of the spectrum, serving others and only serving myself and can say from experience that serving others brings much more happiness than does selfishness.  Seeing and meeting the needs of others helps diminish your own. It’s a pretty incredible phenomenon and there is no shortage of projects that could be completed and causes that could be joined.  
I’m grateful to have learned the things that I have and served those who I have, and am saddened that this is my last semester to hold these benefit concerts at USU Eastern. 
I can assure you these are not the last benefit concerts that I will be involved in.  I hope that someone will continue the tradition of concerts that I have started, if not right away, it will happen eventually.  In the meantime, there will be two more benefit concerts this semester: one in March and one in April.  I hope to see you in attendance.  I also hope that you will look for ways to contribute to society and find things that you are passionate about that can be used to help others.  I promise that you won’t be sad you did, and you will find a greater purpose and joy to your life.