January 2, 2025

Arsene Mugisha prepares to take office as executive VP

Arsene Mugisha, runner up in ESA elections, prepares to take office as USU Eastern’s executive vice president next year because VP elect, Chelsey Sorenson, stepped down from her position due to a change in her academic plans.
Mugisha is excited to take on this position and expects to face challenges and experiences that will improve his abilities as a leader. Mugisha has already begun to set goals for fall semester.


This archived article was written by: Emily Williams

Arsene Mugisha, runner up in ESA elections, prepares to take office as USU Eastern’s executive vice president next year because VP elect, Chelsey Sorenson, stepped down from her position due to a change in her academic plans.
Mugisha is excited to take on this position and expects to face challenges and experiences that will improve his abilities as a leader. Mugisha has already begun to set goals for fall semester.
He wants to remind students that they should focus on academics. Mugisha understands the lengths that many people throughout the world go to in order to gain an education and believes American’s have a great opportunity to study, which should not be taken for granted.
To improve the atmosphere for students on campus, Mugisha wants to motivate students to create and join clubs. Clubs give students a chance to get involved with people who share similar interests. “Since Eastern is a smaller school, it is easy for everyone to get to know one another.” This creates a unified student body. Students who get involved have a more enjoyable college experience and generally do better in their classes.
Because Mugisha is from Rwanda, he understands how many international students at Eastern feel. He wants to make sure that the school makes everyone feel at home, even if they are far from it. He plans to partner with the recruitment department and help international students see the benefits of this great school.
Mugisha knows from experience, that visiting a new place can change people’s perspective. One of his most ambitious plans for next year is to plan and execute a trip to somewhere outside of the United States. He wants students to realize what they have and what they can do to improve themselves and the world around them. Mugisha believes taking trips is a fun and impactful way to learn about the world and oneself.
Next year promises to be full of new strategies and renewed efforts to improve the college experience for all students at Eastern because of the creatie ideas and dedication of next years officers.