March 10, 2025

United Way’s annual Day of Caring

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“The USU Eastern community has several opportunities to get involved and do good in our community on Saturday, September 6,” said Terry Johnson, SUN Center director.
United Way is sponsoring a “Day of Caring” where several service opportunities are planned. He said the Emery County’s Mammoth Marathon could use more help manning the water stations, and the state rodeo club will be here needing help with their concession stand. (Not sure about the rodeo club thing this year.)
The Day of Caring starts at Fresh Market with a free continental breakfast at 7:30 a.m., ending with a BBQ at pioneer park for the volunteers starting at 11:30 a.m.
The marathon starts at the Huntington Park in Huntington, Utah, at 6 a.m., and ends around noon with a luncheon at the Swinging Bridge in the San Rafael Swell. The rodeo club can use help Friday and Saturday throughout most of the day, Johnson said. (Again, I have no knowledge of the rodeo club this year.)
“Our students do a great job volunteering and they invite you to be involved with them for these worthwhile events. Please let us know where you may be able to help so that I can let the organizers know,” Johnson said.
The SUN Center is located on the second floor of the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center and Terry can be reached at 613.5324 or e-mail at [email protected] . If you can’t reach him, please call Vicki Kulow at 613-5292. – See more at: