October 22, 2024

Moab’s Dalton family are all athletes


This archived article was written by: Michaella Crooks

If you are a Dalton from Moab, Utah, you probably will play college sports. Carly Dalton comes from a family of six: four sisters and one brother. Her bother, Tony, played basketball for USU Eastern and was on the team that placed third at the NJCAA tourney. Her sister plays volleyball at the University of Utah.
Before she dies, she wants to “go sky diving or go to all Seven Wonders of the World.”
According to Dalton, the volleyball season is going good, but has some stuff that still needs to executed in practice. They’re are doing well, and though their conference is really tough, she wouldn’t choose to switch lives with anyone because her life is “pretty rockin.” She described going to a concert and was so close to getting a musician’s guitar pick, “but he gave it to the girl right next to me.”
If Dalton had a super power, she would want to fly, be invisible and read people’s minds. She would spend her day with no responsibly by chilling with her family, camping or just being weird.
The most embarrassing volleyball moment Dalton has was when she went to pancake the ball and went in with both hands reaching hard for it, but still missed it.” The one thing that Dalton is most proud of is “probably playing college volleyball.” Her phobia is centipedes because there was one crawling on her floor when she was little and it terrified her. For anyone planning on playing volleyball, Dalton says “Work your hardest because it goes by fast. So just do work.”
Dalton has no regrets because she tries to live life to the fullest and overcome the choices she has made, whether the consequences are good or bad. If Dalton could travel anywhere in the world it would be a tough decision. “There are way too many places in the world I want to go,” but she would probably go to Madagascar or Antarctica to see the penguins.
Her worst habit is biting her nails when she get nerves, and her worst date was when she asked Preston to Sadie’s and they were going to go paintballing. He ditched her and went to a football game instead. She went by herself and was third wheeling it. She tried to run away from someone shooting at her and destroyed her ankle. She had to steal two girls’ dates to take her to the hospital. “Therefore, I made everyone dateless.”
Later that night, Dalton went to the Sadie’s dance. “My date had a hurt shoulder and I had a hurt ankle, green teeth, hadn’t taken a shower and was in a wheel chair, so it was hard for us to dance. We tried to dance, but it wasn’t working so we just left and went to town for the night.”
She is scared of people close to her dying. Outside volleyball, Dalton likes to “play cards, camp, fish, hunt and hang out with friends.”
Her parents are my biggest fans because no matter what, they are there for her whether her game is close or not. Her parents’ sacrifice is great. “My dad took off five weeks of work so that he could follow my two sisters and myself to our volleyball games.”
Her hero in life is her big sister, Shelby, because she pushed her, helped her throughout high school and she could tell her anything.
The worst injury for her was when she broke her growth plate in her wrist when she was in fifth grade jumping on the trampoline. “That is why I am scared of trampolines and don’t like jumping because I am clumsy.”
She describes herself as crazy or laughable, and is “sad that the season is about to end,” but happy she got the opportunity to play at USU Eastern.